
SDSU Football-New Mexico Postgame Quotes


Nov. 5, 2011

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San Diego State Head Coach Rocky Long

On the game:
"We didn't handle the time at the end of the first half very well. I should have called the timeout earlier than that and taken the chance to get it closer. Maybe we could have taken a long shot at a field goal or something right there toward the end.

"I didn't like that one drive that they had, but you can't blame the kid. We were in coverage and he thought he was going to intercept the ball and run it back for a touchdown and he didn't get his hand on the ball. It looked to me from the sidelines that he had a chance to intercept the ball, but he doesn't get his hand on the ball and they get a big play on a 3rd and 11. If he plays it safe and makes a tackle for a five-yard gain, they punt and they don't score. But we like our players to be aggressive, so they made a couple of plays after that. They got a little momentum and a little spark and they made a couple plays after that and scored a touchdown. I don't like whenever they score, no matter who we're playing. I don't like when they score."

On the reason for the non-timeout:
"It's my fault. I made a bad assumption and thought we would do that on offense. I should have been more involved, I should have done it on my own."

On Walter Kazee's goal-line carries:
"They just alternate when they think Ronnie (Hillman) is a little tired or Walter (Kazee) is hot. It wasn't anything special. It's not like we put a great big battering ram in there, they're both about the same size."

San Diego State Players

Senior Quarterback Ryan Lindley

On the start of the game:
"Obviously we did better (than last week). I think we did a better job of coming out on offense. I think we played pretty well for four quarters. I don't think we played our best football in the first half, but we put 14 points up on the board. I thought it was a good game, all four quarters. They played well, they fought hard, too, in the first half. That was part of it, they played tough. They definitely didn't play like a team that hasn't won a game. They're a good team, you have to give it to them."

On the plan going into the game:
"Our plan was to establish the run. We wanted to control the ball and really pound the football on them. We wanted to pound it on them and execute passes in there. I think we did a good job of that, we just wore them down. We threw right through them as the game went on and just start breaking those runs."

Sophomore Defensive Back Nat Berhe

On how the defense played:
"I think the biggest think was us playing football. We haven't been playing San Diego State defense for the last two weeks or so and I thought that tonight we really played San Dego State defense."

New Mexico Interim Head Coach George Barlow

Opening statement:
"In the first half we continued to execute and we cut down on our mistakes. We got backed up with a few things on special teams and those are the things you have to try and eliminate. Again, if we keep putting forth that kind of effort and get rid of the mistakes, and we can do that for four quarters, then we can give ourselves a chance to win. We have a lot of young guys that we need to continue to mature and they are taking steps towards it. We just need to keep fighting and get better from it."

On looking at the scoring drive as something to build on:
"Yeah, it's there, even with all the injuries it's there. We just have to stop shooting ourselves in the foot and putting limitations on ourselves. That is what we are doing. We have to find a mature way of getting past that barrier and do it for four quarters. We are going to keep coaching and working the basics over and over until we get it done."