
SDSU Football Press Conference Quotes

SDSU Football Press Conference QuotesSDSU Football Press Conference Quotes

Sept. 17, 2011

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Postgame News Conference: Escobar, Parker, Long | Hillman, McFadden, Lindley

SAN DIEGO - Quotes following San Diego State's 42-24 victory over Washington State.

SDSU-Washington State Postgame Quotes

San Diego State Head Coach Rocky Long

Opening Statment:

"The crowd was unbelievable. The crowd and student section was into the game. We had a home-field advantage for the first time since I've been here. That's awesome. Hopefully somewhere down the road, it will be like that every time because sometimes fans don't realize what a boost they can give to the home team when things aren't going well. They all hung in there and they were loud, they were supportive and the student body was unbelievable. We played well at the end, but the fans had something to do with that. The energy in the stadium let the home team come from behind and play well at the end."

On how much of an effect the turnovers had on the game:

"The turnovers were the difference in the first half of the game. We caused one turnover where we had the ball on their side of the 50 in pretty good field position and scoring position and we turned it over twice down there. That kept the score down and was the difference at halftime. We turned it over when we were in scoring position. I'm proud of the kids for hanging in there because there were times when it looked pretty bad. Any time the very first pass they throw goes 80 yards for a touchdown and then one of the first couple passes they throw in second half goes another 80 yards for a touchdown, that kind of worries you a little bit."

On how pleased he is with the defense:

"We play hard, we run to the ball hard and if we get somebody lined up, we'll hit them hard too. We missed a few, but we're hitting with more than one guy, which usually makes it seem better. If you can get more than one guy, you can miss a tackle and the other two guys clean it up. So you don't notice missed tackles as much. It was a big time hit on the punt too. I'm glad we got the ball back, but that was a big time hit on the punt."

On whether the hit on the punter was a turning point:

"Yes. There were several turning points in the game. That was a crowd's game. There were ebbs and flows, you're happy one minute and then 10 seconds later you're sad because a guy is running 80 yards for a touchdown. It was a great game for the fans and obviously we're happy because we won."

On the performance of Ronnie Hillman:

"The most impressed I was with his performance tonight was you saw that he is bigger and stronger because the running room wasn't as big as it is sometimes for him. We all know he can jump sideways, make people miss and outrun people, but what you saw tonight was when he was corralled in there, he brought his shoulders and helmets down and moved the piles forward. He's kind of a little guy looking at him, but you didn't see the piles going backwards when they hit him, they were going forward. To me, because I see him make us miss every day in practice, he showed power today that he didn't have last year and that was impressive."

Quarterback Ryan Lindley

On the game:

"It was a great win. I'd say it's probably the greatest win since I've been here. The way we came back, that's tough. It takes a team with will and a team with heart to come back and play the way they did especially when defense got the ball. They really hunkered down the second half. It was a great team effort."

On the offense:

"On offense, obviously our running game is solid. Our offensive line did a great job. (It's) just little disciplinary things, how I'm reading things, where I'm putting the ball. That's going to take game reps. It's going to take games, and I think you're going to see us start to make strives. We're already a lot better than we already were. I'm excited about the way we're improving."

On the crowd:

"It's a given, people are going to watch a winner. I hope we're going to continue to win and people are going to continue to come out. We appreciate the support whole-heartedly. When it comes down to it, it's about us playing football and playing good football and people will come out to see."

Running Back Ronnie Hillman

On the taking the other team's will:

"I didn't take anybody. My offensive line did. I just ran. So kudos to them. They did all the work."

On the possiblity of winning the Heisman Trophy:

"If you don't win, you don't get it. So I'm just worried about this game and how we won and just continue to prepare for the future."

On the crowd:

"It was energizing to see the city come and support us. It helps us a lot, and we appreciate it a lot. To go out there and see all of those people in the stands it's more of a warm welcoming. They appreciate us and what we're doing right now."

Defensive Tackle Jerome Long

On the defense:

"The offense is going to do their job. Our job is to keep the whole (opponent's) offensive team from scoring. If they score, we don't win. We knew that. We knew we had to step up our level of intensity and just get at Washington State more."

On the tone of the game after WSU scored:

"We just had to put those plays behind us. We knew that we were going to get some big plays. The key is just to play the next play at full speed and not think about the last play."

Cornerback Leon McFadden

On the game:

"We were kind of shaky at first, but at halftime we nailed it down to our technique and what our alignments needed to be in. Washington State has a great offense, but we came back home and ready to go.

Defensive Back Larry Parker

On his play today and what it says about where he is as a player:

"Just stay focused and never get out of the game. No matter what happens, just focus on the next play. Make every play your best play. I just kept going, kept playing and never gave up."

On whether it was a shock playing against an offense other than triple option:

"No, it wasn't a shock. We practice against our own offense every day. We just use our technique and stick receivers. For the rest of the defense, they rush the quarterback and make plays."

Washington State Asstistant Head Coach/Defensive Coordinator Chris Ball

On the difference between the first and second half:

"They made plays and we didn't. We didn't make the plays we needed to make. We were in good shape, we just didn't make the plays."

On the difficulties of the game:
"At first it was difficult, you know when we got into it. They ran some different formations, but we got settled into it and it just became a smash-mouth football game. Early on into the game we had a hard time getting off on the third down. They hit four in a row on the third down and it hurt us early, but we got that figured out. I have to look at the tape, but I felt like we played pretty good in the first half. We had some adversity in the second half that we needed to embrace ... we embrace adversity and we get better and deal with that a little bit better than we did. I think we made some good plays, we made some good plays in the second half. We got some turnovers and made some good plays."

On SDSU's tight ends:

"They're good players, they're good players. The quarterback's good, too."

Senior Quarterback Marshall Lobbestael

On sophomore wide receiver Marquess Wilson:

"He's a great player, made a lot of good plays tonight."

On difficulty in the second half:

"We didn't execute at as high of a level that we did in the first half. You know, there were times when we had opportunities to make plays, but when you turn the ball over too much, it catches up with you in the second half when it's a close game."

On Washington State's first fumble:

"I didn't remember. It felt like one guy had me and another guy popped it out, but I just have to go down with two hands on the ball. That's something that definitely is a weakness of mine, just being outside the pocket, throwing outside the pocket. It's something that I have to work on, something that I have to fix during practice and just get better."