
SDSU-Utah State Postgame Quotes


Sept. 25, 2010

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SDSU-Utah State Postgame Quotes


Opening statement:
"It's good to win. We have to keep improving, because things will get tougher two weeks from now. I thought our guys played hard, and we prepared well. I'm a little disappointed with our field position and clock management at the end of the first half. Then we had the ball with six minutes left, and it would have been nice to wear them out and not give the ball back. So those are things that are critical if you want to win championships. It's great to win and this was a good win, believe me. But there's a lot we need to improve on as a football team."

On starting Ronnie Hillman:
"It all depends on the personnel at the start of the game. Ronnie's had two pretty good weeks, and he was in that group so he got the ball."

On bouncing back after last week's loss:
"It's always good. You get disappointed in yourself after a loss, so it's nice to get back. We get eight more guaranteed opportunities, and we're excited about that. But we have to take advantage of all eight of those opportunities."

On if the running game opening up the passing game:
"Absolutely. When they were putting that extra safety down in the box, it opened up play-action and some balls downfield. We have some guys that can go get it, and Ryan did a nice job throwing."

On the fake field goal:
"It's something we worked on all week. We have to make a statement some time about who we want to be."

On winning in front of a large KGB SkyShow crowd:
"It's great to have people here, obviously. Hopefully we'll bring people, just like the SkyShow. And it's a great event. Our guys like playing in front of people, that's part of competing and doing what we do. It was great."

On what he wants his team to be:
"We want to be an aggressive, tough football team that stays together and plays together as hard as we can for 60 minutes every time we go out on the field."


Wide Receiver Vincent Brown

On his performance:
"It goes back to what coach said. They were focusing a lot on the run, and coach Borges definitely dialed up some plays tonight. It's what we had worked on all week and it worked out for us. Whatever our job is out there, I'm out there to do. I'm out there to win."

On his 82-yard touchdown:
"I cut to the outside, and saw the ball in the air. I don't think the defender saw the ball, and once he turned around, that's when I slowed up to get it. Ryan (Lindley) put it where I could get it, so I just had to slow up and find the ball."`

On coming back with a win after the Missouri loss:
"It's a good feeling, but we always have work to do. Whether we're up a couple points or a lot of points, we have to play four quarters of football. We have to execute everything and finish every game."

Wide Receiver Doug Deakin

On his thoughts when the fake field goal was called:
"I was pretty pumped up. We had been working on it. Their scheme allowed for a hole there, and my linemen did an absolutely wonderful job. And I'll probably be hearing from them about not scoring. The hole was gigantic and they did a great job blocking on that play."


On the game:
"We pretty much got dominated on both sides of the football, on offense and on defense. We came out in the second half and tried to make something happen. They came back and (Vincent Brown) makes a play, and we have two kids right there and we can't make a play. That pretty much took away any opportunity to get back into it. That pretty much sums up the day."

On SDSU scoring sour straight touchdowns:
"They made plays, we didn't. They executed and we didn't execute."

On the fake field goal:
"It was a good call against our block. I would have done the same thing. I have no problem with that whatsoever. The goal is to score points. It's football."

On any bright side of the game:
"I don't know how you look at this game and have a bright spot. We struggled to say the least. They are a good football team. I give them a ton of credit. They're very athletic. I think it's the most athletic San Diego (State) team I've seen in awhile from A to Z. They have some very athletic wide receivers that can run. They have some athletic young men on their football team. They're a good looking team."


Linebacker Bobby Wagner

On the game:
"We came out sluggish. The defense came out and played terrible. You start to think it's no longer on Coach A (Andersen), but it's on the players. I think we weren't prepared. We weren't ready for the challenge, and it showed on the field."

On expecting if SDSU would pass the ball as much:
"We were prepared for everything that they threw at us, but we weren't really paying attention or focused. We can't get down to a team like this because it's going to be hard to come back."

Quarterback Diondre Borel

On the game:
"We need to come out and execute. We had certain protection break downs that could have gotten fixed and changed a little at halftime. At the end of the day, offense has to perform regardless of what's going on the field. No matter if the defense is giving up points, we have to go out there and do our job and concentrate on what we have to do."