
SDSU-BYU Postgame Quotes

SDSU-BYU Postgame QuotesSDSU-BYU Postgame Quotes

Oct. 17, 2009

Recap | Final Stats | Notes | Photo Gallery 1 | Photo Gallery 2

SDSU-BYU Postgame Quotes in PDF Format


Coach Hoke's opening statement: "When you play the game, you've got to play to win. There's an intensity it takes to play to win and there's a demeanor you play with. That's the most frustrating thing, because I thought our kids prepared well. They came in with a great attitude, but I think at times, we didn't play with `I'm going to go win.' When you make too many arm tackles, you're not running through, because you're worried you've got to make a cutback. (We didn't) get the quarterback on the ground. He scrambled way too many times without getting hit and that's a lack of intensity or a lack and belief in that, `I can make the play' and winning. I believe that in all my heart. Obviously, we didn't do that and we didn't do very well in third-down conversions on either side of the ball and that's why they ran 91 plays and we had 60. That's a lot of defense out on the field. We play much better when our team has 91 plays."

On BYU being 15-for-21 on third downs:
"There were four times in there we had a chance to make a break and we don't do it, for one reason. It's just not that. They scrambled for a first down, because we take a bad angle and we're not confident enough in our abilities at times to go make the hit. It's some of those things right now. I think this is a real learning lesson for us as a football team."

On the game-changing plays:
"There's a lot of game changers - (like) letting them score at the end of the half. You've got to give them credit. I think everybody thought he [Max Hall] was going to spike the ball and instead, he takes it around the left end, and that's what a veteran and a seasoned quarterback will do."

On the physical nature of the game:
"It's always physical, I think when you play BYU. I think it's physical because of the running backs and the style of their backs. I thought our guys did good job and they've got good players. You've got to give them a lot of credit, but I thought our guys were physical and they were hitting. I think Harvey (Unga) had 81 yards and kept him under 100. I thought we gang-tackled him at times pretty well. The big thing for us is obviously is [that] Max (Hall) is a tremendous quarterback and he's got tremendous tight ends. I think they do a great job of catching the ball."

On the difference between the two teams:
"I know what we didn't do well and what they did do well. It's experience, it's maturity, it's ... gosh sakes, it's football. You ought to know how to go out and play football. I didn't think we went out and played football. I think we played football, but not with the confidence I'd like to see our team have."

On the team's confidence:
"I think you should be confident that we're going to win every game. That's why we play. That's why you compete every day. If you don't have the confidence that you're going to win every week, then you're already defeated. We talk about winning being a vision and the belief we have in each other. I think we've made some progress there, but we're not anywhere near where we need to be in a mental frame of mind."


Quarterback Ryan Lindley

On the defense being on the field a long time:
"Overall, we need to run the ball better. That's going to help out our defense, keeping them off the field."

On the defense's play:
"I thought our defense played pretty well. There were some missed tackles, like Jerry said, but they have been keeping us in games all year. This is a game where (the offense) could have stepped up. We left some points on the board, obviously with the pick in the end zone, and some other things."

On where the team is at in learning the new offense:
"We are gelling with coach Borges and the offense. I think it's really getting to the point where we understand schemes. It's more than just guys knowing where they're supposed to go, but (that) they understand what they're doing and now they're getting other guys open and the whole schematics of the west coast offense. Tonight was a good night in the passing game, but like I said, we have to run the ball better."

On how the passing offense has improved:
"The passing game comes with time and comes with repetitons. It could be the point where we're at - it's halfway through the season. We should be there (now), although we should have been there sooner. I'm glad we're there and we have to just be consistent."

On the season:
"I think Jerry hit on the head. We've played some bad games where we've won and it's still a win. That's the biggest thing, you want to win ball games and 3-3 looks awhole lot better than 2-4. We wish we could be there."

Wide Receiver Vincent Brown

On being brought down by an ankle tackle in the first half:
"The play was executed perfectly. Starting up front, the line did their job. We were able to get the opening. I just thought I had a free lane. The safety basically dove in and clipped my ankle. I guess he hit my heel. I was trying to run and then I hit my other leg."

Linebacker Jerry Milling

On allowing more than 500 yards of offense:
"We didn't tackle. A lot of the big plays came on missed tackles."

On the defense being on the field a long time: "On defense if you can play, you play. Everybody on defense rotates."


On the Aztec coaching staff:
"I was very impressed by what Coach Hoke, Coach Long, and the rest of the coaching staff has done here in terms of the effort that the San Diego State players give. They had a really nice plan against us and they played one of their best games. I have a lot of gratification that we came on the road and were able to win another conference game."

On the Aztec offense:
"They did a very nice job of using max protection and running through our zones. They were able to hold onto the ball long enough to outrun us. I was impressed with the wide receivers and the quarterback, and their ability to move with the extra protection as we covered them."

On the influence of Coach Long on the defense:
"They play hard. It's fun to watch a program have a different belief, a different determination, and a different sense of will than what they've had. I'm sure they're disappointed with the loss, but I've already seen a change in the players. I saw it on film and now I've seen it in person."