
Family Day Players Quotes

Family Day Players QuotesFamily Day Players Quotes

Aug. 16, 2008

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Quarterback Ryan Lindley
On having to follow Kevin O'Connell:
"He was a great leader. His work ethic was amazing. He is an amazing guy."

On the upcoming season:
"You know what, I feel you have to start with one step first. You get a first down, then you get another first down and you start scoring. The way I see it if we keep getting first downs, then we should be winning some ballgames."

On being the starting quarterback:
"I feel like I have a lot more experience with the people I have been with. Coach Long is going to be here for my whole career, too. The stuff he gives me is great. He has been in every situation; the NFL, big time college game, he's done everything. The stuff he gives me is very valuable. "

Last couple practices and today:
"We have been working hard. Everybody is in shape. It's a lot of technique stuff right now. I like the way the defense is playing right now, too."

One the experience at Qualcomm Stadium:
"It`s a great experience. Every time we come out here it's great. The grass is green and I love everything about it. The offense did well, the defense did well. It's great to build on. "

On if being a hometown guy there is more incentive to get things turned around here:
"I feel like I have a lot of pride in this town. I was born and raised in the 619 (area code) and East County. I'm a San Diego kid. I have a lot of pride in San Diego and San Diego State athletics. I mean whenever we succeed, it really cheers the city up. I would like to see people excited about San Diego State football."

Linebacker Russell Allen
On how this year's team is different than the past couple of seasons:
"The biggest thing is we are tight as a team. The camaraderie, the loyalty and the faith we have in each other is something that we haven't had in the past and that will take you a long way."

On the team's confidence:
"We really feel confident in each other and ourselves. The confidence will take us a long way."

On what he is working on this year:
"The number one thing for me is making game-changing plays. I need to be the kind of guy who can pull us out when something is going wrong and who can get things sparked up when we need to."

Linebacker Andrew Preston
On how the team feels after all the practices and two-a-days:
"We are lot more improved than last year. We have come a long way from last year. We are more experienced and we kind of mesh together as a defense."

Offensive lineman Peter Nelson
On moving to the offensive line from the defensive line:
"I've had a lot of fun. (The coaches) have always talked about moving me over there. I've always been a defensive guy.

"In a way I just want to play defense because that's where I have always been. Coach (Long) sat me down over the summer and said, `Look, you know we'd like to give you a try and see how it goes,' and I kind of gave into him. So far I've got a lot of help from the offensive line. Everyone has been helping out a lot and been real supportive. It's been really great."

On having to adjust to playing the offensive line:
"It's a natural fit and I feel really good. I try to get better every day and I want to do the best that I can to help these guys because they have helped me so much."

Running back Atiyyah Henderson
On the scrimmage:
"I think it went pretty well on offense. I feel like we still have to limit our pre-snap penalties, but as a whole it was good."

On his two touchdowns:
"I just wanted to come out and do what I know I can do. The offensive linemen blocked well for me and Ryan (Lindley) kept everyone encouraged the whole time. Both of the touchdowns were called plays and I had great blocks on the outside edge from my offensive line and receivers."