Men's Basketball

San Diego State-Air Force Postgame Quotes


Feb. 6, 2008

Recap | Final Stats | Notes


San Diego State-Air Force Postgame Quotes in PDF Format

San Diego State Head Coach Steve Fisher
On the game:
"I really thought we did two things poorly, we didn't shoot it well and we had eight turnovers in the first half, but we guarded really effectively for 40 minutes. That works for you in this league and we really did a nice job of that."

On the team's defensive effort:
"We did a nice job of contesting and making it hard for them to get easy open looks. Our goal was to keep (Tim) Anderson right where he was, 12 (points) or under. He's a very good player who is going to get looks and he usually makes those looks. That's a good team that we played. Whether you play them here or away, you have to play well to win. We fought well to win and got a really good San Diego State team win."

On the team's performance on the boards:
"I thought we got some really important rebounds at the offensive end. (Ryan) Amoroso was a warrior on the glass, using his strength and size to go get balls, especially defensively. Billy White got one key offensive rebound in a sequence and we ended up getting a three-pointer out of it. Kelvin Davis had a great offensive rebound and put back with the shot clock going down. We rebounded the ball well on both ends of the court."

On Kelvin Davis' performance:
"It's the best he's played in a month, absolutely no question. He played with confidence that showed. I'm not worried about his shots, but all the other things he had not been doing that he did well tonight. He defended well, rebounded, blocked a couple of shots and played really, good smart basketball."

Junior guard Richie Williams
On the game:
"Everytime I am out there I am having fun. It's not a job; I am having fun doing what I am doing, especially today. Every game is the most important game in the world, so every time we step out on the court, we are competing to win."

"It was really what we were doing on the defensive end. We were doing a good job of defending on second chance baskets and we just kept the intensity up. We were able to force some turnovers and get some easy buckets. Once you make plays on defense, it starts generating your offense. Everybody starts feeling good about themselves, and that's when we start knocking down shots."

Junior forward Ryan Amoroso
On the game:
"Any time you play a team like Air Force who tries to slow (the game) down, it's going to be a physical game. Coming into it, this is what we expected. I think our staff did a good job of preparing us both on and off the court to make sure we were mentally focused for all 40 minutes tonight."

On the Aztecs' defense:
"At the start of the year, we made defense our stand point. I don't know if we really let it slide, but the in the last two games, teams have either gotten hot against us or we just haven't been playing good defense. When you play a team like Air Force, it's really tough to guard for all 40 minutes and you need to maintain you mental capacity for the whole game. I think we did a pretty good job of that."

Air Force Head Coach Jeff Reynolds
On not making their shots:
"I thought defensively we played well enough to win the game. I thought on the offensive end, we couldn't make the shots. You have to give San Diego State credit though. They did a great job of contesting our shots. Their length really bothered us. If they didn't block our shot, they did a good job of distorting it. I thought that when we were able to get to the rim and had a chance to finish in clutch situations, we weren't able to do it. I was also disappointed that we didn't get to the free throw line."

On the intentional foul called on guard Adam Hood:
"I didn't see it. I think it might have changed the momentum right then, and maybe for a few minutes, but I don't think that was the difference in the game. I think he was making an effort at the ball."

On the outcome of the game:
"I can't fault our effort. We played hard.  It just came down to the fact that (San Diego State) did a good job defensively. We couldn't make shots."