Men's Basketball

SDSU-WMU Postgame Quotes


Dec. 1, 2007

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San Diego State Head Coach Steve Fisher

On the win tonight:
"It was a good win. It was a good victory against a good basketball team who in spite of their now 4-4 record, will win a lot of games. This is the same team we played in Kalamazoo, Mich., last year and they beat us from start to finish in every facet of the game. I thought tonight we came out and we competed really hard and eventually the defensive pressure was able to create a little bit of a spread. We had a spurt and what was a really close game became a 10-point game, and we were able to hold on to (the lead) down the stretch. It was a good win."

On spreading the numbers out between multiple players:
"We've been able to do that (this year). We talked about having four or five guys get in double figures and we've done it. I think that it will be the norm all season long. There will be some nights when one guy goes off for more than anybody, but tonight it was five guys in double figures. Richie Williams, for the first time, was showing some offensive firepower and kind of got us off the snipe with free throws, which we couldn't make early. He made them all, until he missed one right at the end."

San Diego State forward Kyle Spain

On the victory:
"Coach (Steve) Fisher put a big emphasis on our loss (at Western Michigan) last year. We practiced a lot for this game and executed this year. We just went out and played as hard as we could against them and it worked."

On SDSU's athleticism:
"We have very athletic people on our team. There are no superstars. We share the ball and play unselfish basketball. It's all about teamwork."

On SDSU's depth:
"We try to play full court pressure basketball the whole game. We are athletic and deep enough where we can press hard the whole time."

Junior center Ryan Amoroso

On SDSU playing a physical game:
"Coach (Steve) Fisher put a huge emphasis on rebounding and not letting anything easy in the paint and I thought we did a good job of that."

Western Michigan Head Coach Steve Hawkins

On the game:
"We have to take care of the basketball. Turnovers are what led to some fast break opportunities for San Diego State. They were dunking on the other end, but we have to give a lot of credit to San Diego State. They're an excellent team."

On SDSU's athleticism:
"San Diego State has some long guys and some quickness out there. They are a good team."

On the Cox Arena atmosphere:
"It was a very hostile environment. It was rocking out there. We showed toughness, just didn't make enough shots."