SDSU Cost of Attendance:

Athletics Cost of Attendance (in accordance with NCAA Bylaw 15.2):

2023-24 Undergraduate Grant-in-Aid
Tuition fee
Non-Resident Fee (28 credit hours)
Mandatory Campus Fees
Room & Board
Cost of Attendance Stipend
Total Resident GIA Costs
Total Non-Resident GIA Costs


2023-24 Graduate Grant-in-Aid
Fowler College of
Fowler College of Business Off- Campus Fowler College of Business Commuter
Tuition fee
Non-Resident Fee (18 credit hours)
Mandatory Campus Fees
Room & Board
Cost of Attendance Stipend
Fowler College of Business - Professional Program fee (FC of B) -
$270/unit at 18 units
Total Resident GIA Costs
Total Non-Resident GIA Costs


Athletics Scholarship Policies

The purpose of the Athletics Financial Aid Program at San Diego State University is to ensure that all financial assistance to student-athletes is in accordance with the regulations of the NCAA, the conference, and the educational values of the university. An athletic scholarship (also known as athletic “grant-in-aid”) is given to student-athletes based upon athletic ability and must be earned by participating, to the best of their ability, not only on the playing field, but in the classroom as well.
Each varsity sport is provided a grant-in-aid budget within the NCAA limitations. Grants are allocated at the discretion of the head coach, subject to the approval of the Athletic Director and the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships. Renewals of grants-in-aid are subject to the discretion of the Head Coach and/or Athletics Department.
 Questions regarding the terms of an athletic grant should be directed to the Head Coach or the Athletics Financial Aid Coordinator. Below is an example of the terms that may be provided along with your athletics scholarship, please review your specific agreement for any potential changes:

A.Terms and Conditions of Awarding Athletics Scholarships and (Institutional) Financial Aid

The student-athlete shall be enrolled in at least a minimum full-time program of studies, be in good academic standing, and maintain progress toward a baccalaureate or equivalent degree (as defined by the NCAA).
  1. A student-athlete may not receive financial aid (athletics and non-athletics) that exceeds the SDSU cost of attendance (NCAA Bylaw 15.01.6). In the event that a student-athletes financial assistance from sources listed in NCAA Bylaw 15.1.2 (e.g., grants, scholarships, etc.), when combined exceeds the maximum individual amount allowed per NCAA rules, the athletics scholarship must be reduced by the excess amount.
  2. Athletic scholarship awards are calculated based upon the published total cost of attendance (COA) for an academic year as defined by the SDSU’s Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid as of August 1 of each year. Any adjustment to an individual's COA must first be approved by OSFA; funding with athletics' aid may then be considered by Athletics on a case-by-case basis. Any COA adjustment by OSFA does not obligate Athletics to fund that adjustment with athletics aid.
  3. Athletic scholarship awards are calculated based upon the student’s residency and housing status as of the date this award is signed by the student. If the student’s residency or housing status changes during their attendance at SDSU, their athletics award will be adjusted to maintain his/her equivalency.
  4. A student-athlete may receive financial assistance from anyone upon whom the student-athlete is naturally or legally dependent, exempted government grants, bank loans, student loans, spousal support, and money from legitimate employment without affecting the athletics scholarship award.
  5. An SDSU honorary academic award/research grant for outstanding academic achievement may be received; however, the student-athlete must first obtain clearance from the Athletics Financial Aid Coordinator to ensure NCAA rules are met.
  6. If the student receives other institutional financial aid that increases the value of the equivalency counting toward NCAA team financial aid
limitations, the other countable aid may be reduced or cancelled to maintain compliance with applicable NCAA rules. A student-athlete may only decline their athletics aid if the amount of the other institutional countable aid is equal or larger.
  1. A student-athlete may receive up to a total of $1,000 of athletically related outside financial aid per academic year, without restrictions,
through one or more established and continuing programs to aid students. Compliance office notification and approval is still required.
  1. Each academic year, after a student-athlete has received $1,000 of athletically related outside financial aid, he or she may receive additional athletically related outside financial aid through an established and continuing program to aid students without the additional aid counting in the institution’s financial aid limitations, provided:
    1. The recipient’s choice of institutions is not restricted by the donor of the aid;
    2. There is no direct connection between the donor and the student-athlete’s institution; and
    3. The financial aid is not provided by an outside sports team or organization that conducts a competitive sports program to an individual who is or has been a member of that team or organization.
  2. All such aid must be reported to the Athletics Financial Aid Coordinator prior to issuance, who will determine whether it is permissible to
receive per NCAA rules.
  1. All on- and off-campus employment earnings are exempt from institutional and individual financial aid limits; however, compensation may be paid to a student-athlete only for work actually performed, and at a rate commensurate with the going rate in that locality for similar services. The student-athlete must report all employment activities to the Athletics Compliance Office prior to employment. Please see the applicable forms in ARMS for reporting this information.
  2. NCAA rules require that SDSU notify you in writing by July 1 following the end of the period of your award (so long as you have eligibility remaining) whether or not your athletic aid will be renewed, reduced, or canceled going forward. There is no requirement to renew an athletics scholarship beyond the terms outlined in this agreement.
  3. If the institution decides not to renew or decides to reduce the award for the ensuing period, the institution shall inform the student-
athlete via electronic mail that he or she, upon request, shall be provided a hearing before the SDSU Scholarship Appeals Committee. It is the student-athlete’s responsibility to check their SDSU email frequently for updates.
  1. Financial aid for summer school and intersessions is not a part of this award. Financial aid for such terms must be requested through the
Athletics Department and may be awarded separately upon the recommendation of the head coach and the approval of the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics (or designee).

B.Reducing and Canceling Athletics Scholarships During the Period of the Award (NCAA Bylaw

  1. Institutional financial aid based in any degree on athletics ability may be reduced or canceled during the period of the award if the recipient:
    1. Renders himself or herself ineligible for intercollegiate competition; or
    2. Fraudulently misrepresents any information on an application, transcript, letter of intent, or financial aid agreement; or
    3. Engages in serious misconduct warranting substantial disciplinary penalty; or
    4. Voluntarily (on his or her own initiative) withdraws from a sport at any time for personal reasons; or
    5. Provides written notification of transfer to the institution; however, your athletics aid may no be reduced or canceled until the end of the regular academic term in which the written notification of transfer is received.

Additionally, failure to meet and/or breach of SDSU Standards for Student Conduct, SDSU Athletic Department Student-Athlete policies, or specific team rules may result in the reduction or cancelation of your athletics scholarship.
The institution will inform the student-athlete via electronic mail if his/her scholarship has been reduced or cancelled. If the student-athlete wishes to appeal
the reduction/cancellation decision, he or she, upon request, shall be provided a hearing before the SDSU Scholarship Appeals Committee.
  1. Institutional financial aid based in any degree on athletics ability may not be reduced or canceled during the period of its award:
    1. On the basis of a student's athletics ability, performance or contribution to a team's success; or
    2. Because of an injury that prevents the recipient from participating in athletics; or
    3. For any other athletics reason.

C.Increasing Athletics Scholarships During the Award Period (NCAA Bylaw

  1. Institutional financial aid based in any degree on athletics ability may be increased for any reason at any time.

Athletic Scholarship Renewal/Non-Renewal and Reduction

Subject to limited exceptions, athletic scholarships may not be awarded for a period of less than one academic year nor for a period exceeding the student-athletes five-year period of eligibility. Scholarships that are awarded on a one-year basis are subject to renewal by July 1 of the new academic year. All renewals/non-renewals and reductions are emailed to a student-athletes SDSU email by the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships. It is the student-athlete’s responsibility to check their SDSU email on a regular basis. Student-athletes are given instructions to log into ARMS and electronically sign their Athletics Aid Grant-In-Aid Agreement. Once a student- athlete electronically signs his/her athletic scholarship, the award will be transmitted to the Student Account Services Office for disbursement on the pre-determined date. The student-athlete’s award will not be transmitted to Student Account Services until the Grant-In-Aid agreement is electronically signed by the student-athlete.

Stipend Checks

Student-athletes who are on a full-scholarship will receive five stipend checks each semester. Student-athletes on partial scholarships receive one stipend check at the beginning of each semester. All students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 units in order to receive a stipend check (or meet an NCAA legislative exception to be less than full-time).
All financial aid/scholarship checks will be direct deposited into students’ private bank accounts. Student-athletes will need to set up their direct deposit accounts through the Student Account Services website. If student-athletes do not establish a direct deposit account, their stipend check will not be processed.
First-year student-athletes will not receive a stipend check until their eligibility has been cleared by the Eligibility Coordinator and/or Faculty Athletics Representative.

Summer Financial Aid


NCAA Rules on Summer Aid for Continuing Student-Athletes

A student-athlete who received athletic aid during the previous academic year or has signed an agreement to receive athletic aid for the following year is eligible to receive summer athletic aid.
Summer school athletics aid is not guaranteed and is not a part of the academic year scholarship. If funding is available, the Department of Athletics will financially support its student-athletes receiving GIA to attend summer session courses in accordance with NCAA rules.

SDSU Summer 2024 Cost of Attendance Rates

Due to budgetary reasons SDSU does not guarantee summer athletics aid. Additionally, SDSU Athletics does not guarantee that full summer COA will be provided when athletics support is approved.
The COA is the same for ALL class levels.  Only the fees differs based on the summer fee chart by class level.


1 session (6 weeks)  
Commuter (C)
Residence Hall (D)
Off-Campus (A)
 Food & Housing  $1,824  $3,606  $2,850
 Transportation  $390  $186  $390
 Miscellaneous  $408  $354  $468
Total $2,622 per month $4,146 per month  $3,708 per month
 Tuition & Fees  Add per unit cost  Add per unit cost  Add per unit cost

*Add $400 if student-athlete is a full ride for books 

S1 + S2 (12 Weeks) Commuter (C) Residence Hall (D) Off-Campus (A)
Food & Housing $3,648 $7,212 $5,700
Transportation $780 $372 $780
Miscellaneous $816 $708 $936
Total $5,244 $8,292 $7,416
Tuition & Fees Add per unit cost Add per unit cost Add per unit cost

*Add $800 if student-athlete is a full ride for books 
# of Units Undergraduate Graduate
1 $616 $848
2 $930 $1,394
3 $1,244 $1,940
4 $1,690 $2,486
5 $2,136 $2,579
6 $2,201 $3,031
7 $2,540 $3,444
8 $2,879 $3,857
9 $3,218 $3,857
10 $3,557 $4,270
11 $3,602 $4,319
12+ $3,628 $4,345

Non-Residents pay $396 per unit
If initial enrollment is Fall 2023 non-residents also pay an additional $20 per unit
If initial enrollment is Fall 2024 they will pay $420 per unit
If initial enrollment is Fall 2024 non-residents also pay an additional $40 per unit

Business Professional Fee
$270 per unit prior to Fall 2024
$285 if starting in Fall 2024

Additional Student-Athlete Policies

Medical Information:

Athletics Medicine contacts and policies can be found here:

SDSU Required Notices

The university is required to provide federally mandated consumer information disclosures. Below is a link to the disclosures including summary descriptions of the required information and how to obtain detailed information of each disclosure.