
Brady Hoke Press Conference

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San Diego State Football Press Conference
April 20, 2021
Head Football Coach Brady Hoke
Opening statement:
"We practiced last night. I liked the energy we had. We scrimmaged last Friday. I thought we went out and competed. As is everything, it wasn't perfect. I think we played a good style of football that we wanted to play. I'm excited about where we're at and about the way the players came out on Monday. The did a nice job and had good energy. I think the execution needs to be a little better but I thought they came out and did a nice job."
On if the team's physicality is where it needs to be:
"I like how Tayler (Hawkins) is taking a (leadership) role from a guy with a lot of experience. I do feel we are coming along in that area. I like the way Patrick McMorris and New Zealand (Williams), a young guy still in high school to some degree, are playing. We are playing Hawkins a little bit at cornerback and a little bit at the Warrior (safety) position. We're trying to get the best 11 on the field. I think with some of those other corners (Hawkins) has done a nice job of showing them how the game needs to be played."
On if the offense was able to add and install more sets in Friday's scrimmage and how the players responded:
"I think the players responded well. Everything is not going to be perfect, but from an offensive perspective I did like what they installed and some of the different shifts, movements and motions. From the screen game, just trying to utilize our personnel. I think it's been pretty productive. We are nowhere near where we need to be but a lot of progress have been made."
On if any quarterback has separated himself from the others:
"I don't think it's search and look, I think it's great competition. I think Lucas (Johnson) probably is a little ahead, but Jordon (Brookshire) performed well (at Friday's scrimmage) and yesterday (at practice). Jalen (Mayden) is continuing to get familiar with the system, he is doing a nice job. I think there is really good competitive fight going on in that position. We went live with them on every drill Friday during the scrimmage. It was nice to see how they reacted - who would move up in the pocket, who had their eyes down the field. It really helped us, it really helped them."
On getting all 15 practices in this spring as opposed to last year:
"I think you learn a lot about your football team in spring ball. We have some guys who have played a lot of snaps. As we keep moving forward, we still want to develop those young guys. When you look at the development was lost from our freshmen and sophomores with spring only being six practices, following the COVID protocols, having early fall camp being six feet apart and splits of the offense, some of this spring has been dedicated to knowing the system, installing it completely and getting as much experience and exposure for those young players."
On balancing the workload between the veterans and the new guys, particularly the running backs:
"Greg Bell had a really good year (in 2020) until he got banged up a little bit. When you look at the other guys - Kaegun (Williams), Chance Bell and Jordan (Byrd) - and then the guy who we really wanted to look at a little more was (Jaylon) Armstead. I think Jaylon has done a really good job. We'll look at what we need with rep count. We'll selectively look at how many snaps these guys are getting, maybe getting more reps for the young guys and less reps for the older guys."
On if the workload will change with just a few weeks left in spring ball:
"My focus will change as along as we go out there and practice the way Aztec warriors should practice. If we are playing with the energy and playing physical football and I can hear football, then we'll scale it down a little bit. But if we go out there and just slop around there is no reason to scale it back."
On if any fans will be allowed to attend the spring game?
"We're concentrating on the parents of our players. There are going to be some protocols that are very important that we all have to follow. We're trying to get the parents, and really the California-native parents are the ones we are trying to get (to the spring game)."
On if it was beneficial starting spring came a few weeks late
"I think it was beneficial. It allowed us to get two more weeks in the weight room, two more weeks of individual drills and conditioning. I think it was a plus for us. Basically because we missed some of that getting ready for the fall camp as far as in the weight room, on the racks and heavy weight."
On what changes from spring to fall:
"The NCAA has done a pretty good job of giving (the players) some time away. They'll have the opportunity to go home and come back for summer school. Most of them will be here by early-June and we'll start them on phase 3 and getting them ready for the season.
On the biggest takeaway so far from spring ball:
"I think on how we've come to play every day. Like I said the execution hasn't been there at times and it may not have been exactly what we want, but the energy level, the effort and toughness is a big part of it, which our program has been built on."