Academic Support


It is the goal and responsibility of the Academic Advisors to provide each student-athlete with an individualized academic plan to ensure academic success. The academic advisors assess each student-athlete to create a comprehensive academic support plan. The advisors assist with planning class schedules, while monitoring eligibility and progress towards degree. Academic advisors are knowledgeable about SDSU major requirements and University policies and procedures. Academic Advisors are also responsible for knowing all SDSU, Mountain West Conference, and NCAA eligibility requirements.

Academic Coordinators

Academic Coordinators assist with implementing each student's individual academic plan. Academic coordinators often work with student-athletes on a one-on-one basis to provide the following resources:

  • Time management skills
  • Tutor appointment requests
  • Communication of student's progress in each class
  • Create and prioritize weekly task lists
  • Assist students in developing study habits, including:
    • Creating flash cards
    • Reviewing active reading skills
    • Teaching note taking techniques
    • Reviewing course material


Academic Tutors are hired and trained to assist student-athletes in multiple subjects. Tutors assist student-athletes with subject-specific material by reviewing and clarifying course concepts. Tutoring appointments are scheduled on a one-on-one, small group and drop-in basis. Drop-in tutoring is available Monday - Thursday evenings. In addition, tutors will lead review sessions in preparation for exams.

Grade Checks

SAASS staff communicates with instructors each semester in order to assess student-athletes academic progress at various points in the semester. Grade checks are communicated with coaching staff and are an essential tool in evaluating each student academic support plan.

Orientation Programming

SAASS coordinates New-Student Orientation sessions for incoming students at the beginning of each academic term. New-Student Orientation is a great opportunity to introduce incoming student-athletes to the resources both in athletics and on-campus. Many incoming Freshmen also participate in the SAASS 'Healthy Start' program during the summer term. During 'Healthy Start', student-athletes receive education on topics including nutrition, drug and alcohol education, community living and participate in team building activities.