Women's Rowing

Rowing Completes Final Spring Scrimmage


Feb. 22, 2014

SAN DIEGO - The San Diego State rowing team played host to a scrimmage against UC San Diego, University of San Diego and Orange Coast College on Saturday. The Aztec's exhibition served as the final preparation before the start of the spring season.

"The scrimmage this morning went very well," said head coach Bill Zack. "The team as a whole is looking much better. Each boat raced in their respective races but did 4 minute race pieces at a controlled 28-stroke rate. San Diego State was sporting new uniforms and had a lot of fun while getting in a good amount of work. There is an even greater sense of excitement building around the team and the improvements that have been made. This scrimmage gave the coaches a chance to make lineup changes to see how that impacted the crews. Overall, the coaching staff is pleased with today's event."

SDSU will kick off its spring season on March 8 against UCLA in Marina Del Ray, Calif., at 9 am.

First Eight +: Allison Jones (bow), Sarah Hultin (two), Hillary Lupo (three), Cassandra Wilson (four), Mackenzie Morgan (five), Christa Carrillo (six), Julia Brockherde (seven), Chelsee Brewster (stroke) and Stephanie Schulman (coxswain).

Second Eight +: Samantha Flores (bow), Kaitlyn Goss (two), Allison Litzinger (three), Annalisa Duarte (four), Haley Burton (five), Ciara Estrada (six), Jessica Haggard (seven), Sarah Winfield (stroke) and Alyssa Lua (coxswain).

Ademaro: Jamie Darling (bow), Katherine Coyle (two), Halei Warren (three), Bailey Buhrer (four), Haley Peterson (five), Paige Gugino (six), Olivia Kirkpatrick (seven), Amalia Cristiano (stroke), Stuti Desai / Cassandra Houy (coxswain).

First Four +: Alexandra Accornero (bow), Campbell Oreglia (two), Patricia Gabbard (three), Rachel Borden (stroke) and Jennifer Miller (coxswain).

Second Four +: Elizabeth Edmonds (bow), Michaela Gentosi (two), Miranda Orsinelli-Rivers (three), Molly Jacobs (stroke) and Kendall Lyng (coxswain).