
SDSU Football News Conference Quotes

SDSU Football News Conference QuotesSDSU Football News Conference Quotes

Dec. 6, 2011



San Diego State Football Press Conference Quotes
December 6, 2011 - Fowler Athletic Center

Head Coach Rocky Long

On the rumored move to new conference:
"I don't know if we are or not. We've talked about this for about the last three or four weeks. I think anytime you can associate yourself as being part of an automatic BCS berth league it benefits our football program and benefits everybody in this athletic department. I think it also gives you a national stage which I think benefits the community."

On the upcoming bowl game:
"It's difficult to prepare like you normally would for a bowl game because we play in less than two weeks. So we're treating it more like a bye week than we would if we were playing in late December. (If we had more time) we could use it as a development for our football team, practice the younger guys longer, let the younger guys scrimmage, use it as a spring practice. Since we're playing so soon, I think the players, after a long season, deserve a little time off to refresh and maybe heal up a little bit. We're just going to treat it like a regular game week."

On talking to Michigan head coach Brady Hoke about handling the distraction of playing in New Orleans:
"We didn't talk about how to handle it; we just know it's a problem. Since both of us are done (with the regular season) (Brady and I) talked for quite a while yesterday. We're trying to decide if they're going to come and use the same hotel that we're in. I think Virginia Tech is in the hotel that we are going to be in. (Michigan) is in the other one. I'm going to stay in New Orleans and whatever hotel Michigan's staying in, I'm going to get the nicest suite they have, I'm going to stay there through the Sugar Bowl and I'm going to charge Brady, I'm going to make him pay for it. No, I'm just kidding. I told him I was going to do that. He's been there once before so I asked him a lot of questions about what there is to do, and most everyone in this room knows there is a lot to do in New Orleans, how they've handled that distraction in the past. He was there once when he was an assistant coach with Michigan and they went to the Sugar Bowl. Osia Lewis on our staff went to the Sugar Bowl when he was with Illinois. So they have some ideas about how those two teams handled New Orleans and their players had a good time without too many problems."

On how switching conferences might hurt men's basketball and the rivalries they have made:
"I'm sure (men's basketball) Coach (Steve) Fisher answered that. I'm not a basketball coach and I don't know the politics in college basketball. I don't know that. I know that Coach Fisher has a great program. I think whatever league he's in, they'll be just fine. If you look at his preseason schedule this year he's playing top-25 teams which helps your RPI. There are teams in other leagues that don't have BCS affiliation that have great basketball. They seem to be doing just fine. The one that pops into my mind on the West Coast is Gonzaga. They don't seem to have any problems, but I don't know anything about college basketball other than I like to watch it on TV."

San Diego State Senior Quarterback Ryan Lindley

On new sayings and chants from the fans:
"I've been hearing a lot of different stuff. I kind of like the new traditions. `The Show's' always got something different. I saw `Fear the Spear' on Sunday and a couple different things. I guess we have a couple different little sayings."

On the quickly approaching game:
"Honestly, we're excited. I don't think there's any relief. During the season it's a grind, I don't know if tension is the right word but you've got to stay on your toes. I think it especially helps us to where this game is so quick it's almost like we have another bye week and we're playing again. I think in all honesty it's going to help us, I think we're going to stay on a roll. We've been playing well the last couple of weeks; hopefully we'll just keep that going. We have a little bit of time off, heal up, get ready to roll and get ready for Louisiana."

On potential distractions in New Orleans:
"I think there are distractions that can come with every bowl game if you let it. Last year, I think being in your hometown, there's a lot that can come there, too. It's a tough balance, you don't want to keep your guys packed in a hotel for a week but at the same time you can't just let them roam free. Especially in a place like New Orleans, I'm sure there are a lot of things you can do, places to get lost and get in trouble. It's a lot about our senior leadership, we'll have guys to make sure everyone's focused but at the same time enjoying the experience."

On the rumored move to new conference:
"Anywhere where we are winning is good to me. We've taken some strides in the right direction, there are still some to go. By no means have we reached our full potential as a football program and our school as a whole. I take pride in saying that I think right now, not just in football, but in basketball and baseball, this is the most prolific time for the Aztecs right now. I think that we are on a high and I just hope we keep that going wherever we are at. That goes for everyone, (men's basketball) Coach Fisher, (women's basketball) Coach Burns, everyone is doing a great job on The Mesa and hopefully where everyone ends up at, we will continue to win."

San Diego State Senior Defensive Lineman Larry Gibbs

On new sayings and chants from the fans:
"There seems to be a bunch of stuff going around but when you go down south I'm pretty sure there's going to be some stuff that we haven't seen either."

On if the team feels like going to a bowl game is a reward for the hard work the team has put in:
"It's pretty interesting considering all the expectations that came (into the season). Last year's team wasn't supposed to do anything while this year there were some pretty high expectations. We put those on ourselves every day. To come in and pretty much fight to the last minute to get to a bowl game is satisfying."

On potential distractions in New Orleans:
"I think that it's pretty much almost the same as last year except that we are on the other side of the spectrum. When we were home and it was our first bowl game in who knows how many years and our first bowl win in so long, (now) we're going to a team that this is their first bowl game in 41 years and they're going to pretty much have their home fan base down there. We're pretty much playing a road game. We'll have fun but we need to be focused on the task at hand. We want to come back 9-4, that's the main goal."