Men's Basketball

SDSU Men's Basketball News Conference Quotes


Aug. 29, 2011


San Diego State Director of Athletics Jim Sterk

Opening Statement:

"We're pleased to be here today to have two significant announcements in the continued growth and development of our SDSU basketball program. First, a four-year addendum to Coach Fisher's contract and the second, formalizing of assistant coach Brian Dutcher being designated as the head coach in waiting. Brian will take over the leadership of the program at the time when Coach Fisher retires. Coach Fisher has had tremendous success, obviously, over the past 12 years at San Diego State, and we want that success to continue and certainly, Coach Fisher would like it to continue. When I came to San Diego State, a year and a half ago, Coach Fisher spoke to me about the best strategy for continuing the growth of the program in a positive direction. This was even before the historic year we had this past season. Steve and I spoke about the possibility of Coach Dutcher succeeding him whenever he decided to retire. We spoke of the reasons why this would be good for the program and Brain's qualifications. At that time I told Steve that I was not opposed to it, but would like some time to evaluate and decide. As we were heading towards the end of last season, Steve and I spoke about extending his contract, his compensation, and his succession plan. Steve has not decided when he will retire; in the meantime we will have continuity in our program. Our team members and recruits will know who their coach will be and all the hard work that these two have put into building SDSU into a national competitive program is rewarded."

San Diego State Head Coach Steve Fisher

Opening Statement

"I'm very excited to be here today, dual-purpose, in my mind Brian is more important than the extension of my contract and I'll kind of hit on all of those points. When Jim and I talked after he got here, my hope was to, for a whole host of reasons not the least of which was the continued growth and success of our program, was to have the stability and continuity that we have had for 13 years. The best way to do that would be to name Brian Dutcher coach in waiting. Brian and I, our relationship, our friendship and our working friendship have been in existence for over 20 years. Those of you who have watched us practice, you know my style. I'm not a do-it-all guy. I learned long ago that you're most successful when you surround yourself with really good people, you give them responsibility and then the wiggle room to do it in their own fashion. I've watched Brian for years. He has been a non-head coach only in name. Over the last 10 years that we've been here, he's done everything that a head coach could do, should do, and would do. I, to some degree, have talked him out of numerous other possibilities. He's been pursued and Brian's the kind of guy that doesn't have to tell the world that somebody's offered him a job or wanted to talk to him about a job. He has talked to a few people but he's come back and we've talked, and his family has talked. They have felt, he has felt, that he belonged here. I do think we make a great team. He's been invaluable to the growth and success of everything that I've had part of. We are very close family friends. And he has done a magnificent job with the basketball program and will continue to do that. I tried to count it up last night and it's well over 20 inquiries and interviews that he's had in our 20-year relationship together. We've managed to maintain that and I think that is a big reason why we have been successful. I'm excited to be here and I'm not looking to be pushed out the door or run out the door anytime soon. Who knows? I used to operate on a hand shake and now everybody has contracts. I do like the fact that I have a contract. Right now, I'm very healthy and obviously given the success that we've had recently, I'm very excited about what the program has done and what we hope to continue to do. Because we're announcing a four-year contract, I don't know that that means that I'm here for four more years even. We'll see, who knows, maybe this is the one that leads to the next one. I don't know if Brian wants to hear that, but that might be the case. He's a great friend, a tremendous basketball coach, and he has the ability to deal with people. He's got great people skills, a tremendous family and we're privileged to have him and fortunate to have him as a part of San Diego State."

On the contract allowing for stability in the program and the university:

"It was very important to me that Brian be given this opportunity to be the next head coach at San Diego State. We've done a lot together and way too often when you have success, it's the head coach. And maybe way too often when you have issues, it's the head coach. You have to have good people and as I've said, if you watch us practice and if you would sit in our office and watch us plan practice, he's been heavily involved in everything. He's a great recruiter because he has people skills. He said it's a dream come true for him and it's a dream come true for me also. I think this is fitting, but sometimes things that are right and should happen don't always come to fruition. So I'm very grateful as Brian stated that he is. I'll start with Jim for the willingness to listen and then to co-sign in what we talked about. A lot of people had their fingerprint on it."

On the effect this has on recruiting:

"The business that we're in, everybody seems to want to operate in the shades of gray. Anything you can use for a recruiting advantage is used. So we've heard and been asked questions from parents, `How long are you going to be there?' `Will you be there to coach my son?' And some have said you don't want to go someplace where you don't know who you're going to play for. After Jim and I talked and had assurance, we have told recruits that not only will I be there, but you'll also know when I'm not there, who the head coach will be. That's probably better than what 99.9 percent of the other schools in the country can say."

On whether this last season rejuvenated him to want to continue coaching:

"I had the little scare a few years ago, but I have good health. I have, from the moment I said this is what I wanted to do, have always loved doing it. The fact that I've done it a long time has not diminished the enjoyment, pleasure and excitement I get out of preparing for that first practice. We just came from our first official preseason meeting with our team. I went back over the weekend, looked at notes I had used before and prepared what I wanted to say, how I wanted to deliver it. I was extremely excited when they came back and some of them had been gone for the second session of summer school, so I don't think I would say I was rejuvenated. Never have I enjoyed a season more than last year, for so many reasons, obviously 34-3, but so many other reasons. The look at the arena, the atmosphere, the feeling you had. Mark Fisher walking out of the locker room with me and laughs before every game. Everything in between, it was a remarkable year. But I got excited in 1999 when we were struggling to score a basket, much less win a game. So I've always enjoyed what I have done and I don't feel, unless I look in the mirror, that I've aged all that much. Then I realize that I have a little bit, but I feel great and I'm having a lot of fun doing it."

San Diego State Assistant Head Coach Brian Dutcher

Opening Statement:

"I'm honored, humbled and excited to be a part of San Diego State basketball and now have the opportunity to continue to be. Having worked here under Steve Fisher for the past 12 years, I know how special it is to be an Aztec. My oldest daughter, Erin, graduated from San Diego State this last spring, my daughter, Liza, is going to be a junior at SDSU this fall, and we love this university and all it stands for. I know something like this doesn't happen without the help of a lot of people. First and foremost, I want to thank Coach Fisher for being a great coach and mentor to me for over 20 years. His friendship is valuable. I'd like to thank Jim Sterk for giving me this opportunity. They don't come along often and I'm grateful for that. I'd also like to thank Vice President Sally Roush, President Elliot Hirshman and past President Stephen Weber for their support. My goal now is to help Coach Fisher to build on this tradition of excellence he started at SDSU and continue great things in the future for the program."

On being the coach in waiting:

"I'm in line for my dream job right now, so that's the best part of all this."

On his decision to stay at SDSU rather than accept another coaching job:

"I've always loved the job I've had and I'm not a job chaser. I've loved being here in San Diego, with my family, with Coach Fisher and with this University. So to draw me away from this, it would have to be something spectacular and I don't think there's anything better than what I've had here. That's why this day has come that I've been blessed to work with great people and given an opportunity of a lifetime."

On whether he would keep the current assistants when he becomes head coach:

"I think one of them (Mark Fisher) will get a good recommendation from Coach Fisher. The other one (Tony Bland), I've already co-signed. They're wonderful people to work with. I've been blessed to work with great coaches my whole career here. From Marvin Menzies, Jim Tomey, Justin Hutson, Gary Grant, Mark Hughes, Greg Gottlieb, we've always had great assistant coaches here. The reason for that is Coach Fisher lets them work. This is a hard place to leave, there are a lot of programs where assistant coaches sit and watch and wait their turn. But like Coach does, he lets us get involved. We feel like we're a part of what's happening in this program and that's why it's hard to leave this place."

On whether being coach in waiting affects his recruiting methods:

"Coach and I have been doing home visits for 20 years and I just play off coach. I take what he starts and I run with it a little bit. We're a pretty good team in the home. I don't know if it will change that much until Coach sends me in and then I have to decide who I'm taking in with me."