Men's Basketball

Men's Basketball vs. Wyoming Quotes


Jan. 29, 2011

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Postgame Quotes in PDF Format

SDSU Head Coach Steve Fisher
(from the postgame interview with AM 600 KOGO)
Opening Statement:
"I did have a bit of a concern that there might be just enough residual from BYU that we would be a hair off, and that's all you need to have someone come in and beat your brains out. We came out from the opening tip and came with high energy. When we shoot the ball the way we did in the first half, we are hard to beat. We shot the ball tremendously well."

On the team's offensive performance:
"I think we have the ability to stretch the defense, whether it's a game like tonight or a game that's down to the wire. We have the ability to make shots."

On the play of the bench:
"They play so hard in practice, and I was so happy for Mehdi Cheriet and appreciative for how hard he has worked. He never complains, and he came out and made his first shot, which was great. Everyone feels better when they have a chance to get out there and make a basket. It was a great night for the Aztecs."

On SDSU senior center Brian Carlwell:
"Carlwell has a lot of energy and is the catalyst on the bench. He is the guy that gets that bench going and gets the team going in the pregame. He has a lot of control in the locker room, and he has done really well along that line."

(from the postgame press conference in the Mezzanine Level at Viejas Arena)
On the game:
"This was a good feeling for the Aztecs. I think all of us were just a little bit concerned when we come out with the edge we needed and we did. From the opening tip to the early 14-0 lead, (both) set the tone for a good performance for us. The most impressive thing to me was 20 assists and 35 baskets, our unselfishness. One time we were trying to run a play for Kawhi (Leonard) and he said to not worry about running the play for me, we're scoring every time and let's just move the ball. I made the comment at halftime when probably our two best players, Kawhi (Leonard) and Malcolm (Thomas), had two points between them and they were happy about -- then you have a good team. That was the case. That's very, very important. That made all of us feel good, starting with Kawhi and Malcolm. But that's how you have to play, but not a lot of teams are able to play that way. We have good people who want to win. I think playing the way we did tonight if that maintains itself with moving the ball and throw it to the first open man, then good things will happen. This was a comfortable win and a nice win for us."

On the crowd atmosphere:
"It helps to play at home. I'm happy we're playing at home. It wouldn't matter who we are playing. To play in front of our fans at home after a tough loss, it's comforting. I told our team, don't have the fans have to bring energy to you. You get those older people up in the 25th row on their feet because of how you're playing. They brought me to my feet and I felt good about that."

On the BYU game:
"BYU game is history. To be honest with you, we didn't watch much of the BYU game. We talked about the BYU game. We were beaten by, that night, a superior team. Hopefully we will have a change to return the favor on Feb 26. This game we play is unpredictable and can turn on a dime. You have to have good people who will compete hard and who will live in the moment and we have that. Look at who lost today in the top 15 and some of them at home. We have to stay with it. We have victory No. 1 and hopefully 18 more to go."

San Diego State senior forward D.J. Gay
On why the team came out so determined against Wyoming:

"Losing--that definitely put us on edge. Also with BYU losing (earlier today), that just let us know that we had to come out from the start and jump on (Wyoming). (We wanted) to come out with high energy and that's what we did."

On if the loss to BYU was good for the team:
"It was a self-check to let us know that we can be beat if we don't come out and play the way that we want to play. I think that if we beat BYU, I don't know if we would have come out with as high of an energy as we did against Wyoming today. That loss against BYU was definitely a team self-check."

San Diego State sophomore guard Chase Tapley
On his hot shooting night:

"My teammates found me when I was open and they had the confidence in me to shoot the ball. There was one instance where I was wide open and D.J. (Gay) told me, `You're wide open, shoot it.' When you have teammates like that it's good to have."

San Diego State Senior Center Brian Carlwell
On the significance of BYU losing today:

"We knew that we have another chance now to still win conference and to just focus. I remember looking at D.J. (Gay) and saying `No more losses.' We've got to step it up and at the same time we've got a new focus again."

Wyoming Head Coach Heath Schroyer
On game overall:

"They're the best team that we've played in the four years that I have been here. I was an assistant in this league when Utah went to the Final Four. It all depends on their seed, but they are better than them. They are really, really good. When they make perimeter shots, I don't know if anyone in the country can beat them let alone in this building."

On SDSU's perimeter shooting:
"Statistically they weren't (good) all year, but they were tonight. They have five seniors that have been around forever. They have a for sure top-20 pick. They are very, very good. I'll tell you this, they are way underrated coaching wise. I think Coach Fisher does a great job. They have everything they need to make a deep run to try to win a national championship."

On if atmosphere affected the team:
"It's hard to tell but I think it was obviously a factor. This is an unbelievable environment. Hats off to the fans and the student section here. I've been in Division I for 15 years and that's the best student section that I've ever seen."

Wyoming junior guard JayDee Luster
On the game:

"San Diego State is a good team. They're No. 4 for a reason. (Coach) Steve Fisher has done a good job turning this place around. They shot the ball great. That's credit to them. They have a really good team. "

On SDSU being best team they've played so far:
"Definitely the best team we've seen so far. They rally off the fans here. It's sold out and black out. I just thought they played a great game all around."

On the atmosphere:
"Coach was telling us all week how the atmosphere was going to be. This is our first road game where the crowd was intense all year. You can't prepare for that except go out there and play. Early, I think it affected us. I think it was 14-0 in the beginning. Guys were kind of shy out there. Once we settled down, we got better."