
SDSU-UNLV Postgame Quotes

SDSU-UNLV Postgame QuotesSDSU-UNLV Postgame Quotes

Nov. 27, 2010

Recap | Final Stats | Notes | Photo Gallery 1 | Photo Gallery 2

SDSU-UNLV Postgame Quotes in PDF Format


General Comments:
"We played a complete football game for 60 minutes and we wanted to do that for our seniors. This win is what tonight was all about and this week was all about - honoring (the seniors) for they've done for this program and the struggles they've been through (is what this week was all about). They are a bunch of guys who have accepted a philosophical change and a transition and have done a tremendous job. ... We have a couple of players who weren't dressed out. I thought our team responded well. Our kickoff coverage in the first half was atrocious, but offensively we controlled the line of scrimmage and as the game progressed, we did so defensively as well."

On Brandon Sullivan:
"He got dinged in the head on a screen. He ran ferociously and was trying to run through people. He kept playing, but then we forgot he had scored a TD, so that's probably the time when you want to get him out. He's very valuable in what we do here."

On carrying the momentum from the season into the bowl game:
"Hopefully this staff, our experiences and how we practice and prepare will help us. Our goal is to win every football game. At the same time, you want your players to enjoy the whole bowl experience. We are going to meet on Monday morning at 7 a.m. and go through the calendar that we've made up. We have finals during a preparation week, so we thing the way we have set it up is conducive to them being successful in the classroom and putting a good gameplan together."

On the regular season:
"I am so happy for these kids and for the seniors. It's so important to have the opportunity to play one more game, but at the same time we finished our regular season the way we wanted to as a football team."


- Ryan Lindley, Junior QB

On playing with recievers Vincent Brown and DeMarco Sampson:
"I might choke up on the first question. It's been a blessing to have these two guys not only as recievers with the things they can do on the field but as friends and brothers. They are two guys who have completely sold into the program and what coach (Hoke) is talking about. The reciever position is tough and it's an individual type of thing, but as far as what they have done improving from last year in blocking down field and route running--it's amazing what these two guys can do and what (offensive coordinator Al) Borges can do with the playmakers that we have. It's been awesome."

On his statistical success the past two weeks:
"It's alot about the (offensive) line. I really feel like I'm just getting a lot of time back there, guys are running crisp routes and a lot of it is just what we are dialing up, too. Coach Borges has done a great job the last two weeks game planning for these two teams and he is putting alot of things together to exploit what they have been trying to do. It all comes down to execution. You complete passes, take a checkdown when you need to and so on and so forth. The line is doing a great job and it starts with them."

- DeMarco Sampson, Senior WR

On the significance of this game:
"I think it makes us happy that we are showing the young guys how to finish. That's what this really is about - we are leaders. We have to lead the young guys. All week we have been talking about `playing for the seniors' but in reality, we are playing for the young guys and trying to be examples."

On his Aztec career:
"It has been a long career here. Just watching these guys grow up, like (Vincent) and (Ryan); I was here when they got here. I watched Brandon (Sullivan) grow up, I watched pretty much everybody on this team grow as a freshman to a senior and this is just the best feeling in the world. I feel like my little brothers are grown now."

- Vincent Brown, Senior WR

On getting a convincing win in the last game of the regular season:
"It was great to go out and do what we did and execute. We always talk about finishing the whole week and we had to make sure that we went out today and finished everything that we did and every drive. It was a great feeling to do what we did."

On his feelings about SDSU's success:
"I feel great. We have had a lot of downs and ups, and I say downs and ups becuase we know how this program was when we got here. It's on the other side now. We tried to turn it around and we are just happy that we were able to do it."

- Andrew Preston, Senior Aztec

On the play of the defense:
"We wanted to finish this season off on the right note. The past two weeks, defensively, we have not played our best ball. Tonight, we played with effort and toughness and we got the job done."

On what the defense did to slow down UNLV:
"We got pressure on the QB, which we didn't get last week and we stopped the run for the most part. We made plays that we didn't make before. Defensively, that's what you're expected to do."

- Ronnie Hillman, Freshman RB

On breaking the MWC freshman rushing record:
"It's a nice accolade, but I was trying to get the win for the team tonight."

On maturing as a running back:
"It's something I had to work on earlier in the season. Now that it's later in the year, it's starting to come to me a little better. The offensive line is opening up holes in the middle and that helps a lot."


On the SDSU coaching staff:
"They did a good job of taking the game from us at the end of the second half. (Head coach) Brady (Hoke) and his staff are awfully good at what they do. They did a great job right there of taking it away from us and putting us against the wall going into the half. They've done a great job. They're great coaches. Al Borges and Rocky Long are great coordinators. Dan Ferrigno is a great special teams coach. And obviously Brady does a great job with all of it."

On the SDSU offense:
"They've got good receivers and those guys did a good job of winning on the ball. They're maybe the best in our league and there are a lot of people that could argue that for them. They fight for the ball well down the field. They've got good players on offense. (Ronnie Hillman) is for real. (Ryan Lindley) is for real and he was real accurate tonight. When Lindley is on like he was tonight it's real good."

- Defensive Back Mike Clausen

On Ryan Lindley and the wide receivers:
"They've definitely got a good group. Vincent Brown and DeMarco Sampson are definitely a good group of receivers and Lindley puts the ball where he needs to. They're an explosive group and they'll definitely be playing on Sundays."