
Aztec Football Weekly Press Conference Quotes

Aztec Football Weekly Press Conference QuotesAztec Football Weekly Press Conference Quotes

Oct. 19, 2010

October 19, 2010

SDSU Football Weekly Press Conference Quotes

Aztec Athletics Center
"We start the second half of our season this Saturday down in Albuquerque, which has been a bit of a challenge for us over the years. We haven't won the four previous times we've been down there. Conference game obviously; that's an important aspect of the game. They're a team that has struggled a little bit, but at the same time they've got a big offensive line that's aggressive. It's a good offensive line and we didn't fair too well last time we played a big offensive line when we traveled up to Provo. So last year's game, they were in the lead in the fourth quarter and we had to come back to win that game. We've got our work cut out for us. We're right in the middle of the marathon." On the importance of keeping momentum after last week's big win against Air Force: "Momentum is always important. The one thing we've been, win or lose, is consistent in how we go about preparing how we want to play. "

Head Coach Brady Hoke

Opening Statement:

Comparing reaching four wins this year to last year, and what that does for expectations for the rest of the season:
"You know with attitude, I think we're a better football team. Approach-wise, I don't know if we'll do anything differently than what we did a year ago, because we're pretty consistent with how we prepare. Our only thought as a team has to be our goal of winning the Mountain West championship and our preparation for New Mexico."

On Ronnie Hillman:
"I thought we did a good job of feeding him the football and he got touches. I thought up front those guys did a very good job at the line of scrimmage. After the first quarter, we were really out of synch. As Ronnie grows, he's going to mature in physical stature and at the mental aspect of the game. There are some cuts in there that were really good and there was some where he didn't have enough patience. It's going to be fun to watch him grow and he's going to do a good job of taking care of himself. With most freshmen, and we're playing quite a few freshmen, they hit a wall at some point in the season. They haven't been through the grind that the seniors have of four spring (practices), four fall camps, four summer conditionings and not having enough of (strength coach Aaron) Wellman yet and all those things. I think there's more from Ronnie, and we'll get more from Ronnie, but at the same time he's got to keep himself ready to go at a high level."

On Darryn Lewis:
"Number one, he's a tremendous kid. He works at a computer store during the offseason and I've gotten more notes from people saying what a great kid he is. That tells you what kind of a person he really is. He's a senior and he's a guy who's worked hard to get to where he's at. He understands that mindset you have to have and his leadership is valued on this football team. Even if he doesn't start because of the competition we have at the safety position, he's always upbeat and ready to practice."

On not getting too excited for a 4-2 start to the season:
"To answer your question honestly, 4-2 isn't 6-0. We'd rather be 6-0. We've been allowed 12 guaranteed opportunities and we've got six guaranteed opportunities left. You have to go out to win every one of them, and your mindset is to win every one of them."

On transformation of the team since he's taken over as head coach:
"The gratifying thing is to watch your kids grow. And not just grow on the football field, but in the classroom and how they respect each other. At the end of the day, this is about relationships, it's about respect and it's about lifelong friendships these guys are building because of the amount of trust, respect and account ability that these guys have to have. Just watching these guys grow. Look at (defensive back) Nat Berhe, from his freshmen year to where he is now. That's the exciting thing."

Junior quarterback Ryan Lindley
"I don't think that's anything that we dwell on. It doesn't haunt us; we're a different team with a lot of young guys that weren't there. We have some guys to remind us, but it's a whole new team and they're a new team. We just have to go in Saturday and play good football. "

On whether or not the last trip to New Mexico (a 70-7 loss) serves as motivation for this week:

On the turnaround over the past two years:
"We're happy with the work we've put on and how it's carried over onto the field. It's a process, and it's something we need to continue working hard on. We need to take the values and what we've been doing in practice and in the film room and just keep it going."

On Ronnie Hillman:
"Ronnie has been doing a good job. He needs to continue to grind, because it's a long season and we're just starting the second half. So he knows he needs to continue working hard and doing what he's been doing. He's done an awesome job for a first-year guy to come in and buy into the program. And that's a testament to the offensive line as well with the way they've been working hard. They're really opening up holes for him and letting him run."

Junior defensive back Darryn Lewis
"We'd definitely love to be 6-0, but 4-2 is a lot better than where we've been in the past. It's nothing to get excited about, because this is where we expected to be with all the work we put in over the offseason and starting last year with this coaching staff. But we'd love to be 6-0."

On the 4-2 start:

Senior defensive tackle Ernie Lawson
"Like D-Lew (Darryn Lewis) said, we feel like we should be 6-0. 4-2 is great, but you always have to keep your eye on the prize, and that's winning the Mountain West Conference championship. We can't overlook New Mexico, because we can easily be 4-3 if we don't go out and play good football. The start is nice, but we have to keep it going."

On the 4-2 start: