
2010 Aztec Football Media Day Coach Hoke Quotes

2010 Aztec Football Media Day Coach Hoke Quotes2010 Aztec Football Media Day Coach Hoke Quotes

Aug. 6, 2010

San Diego State Football

2010 Football Media Day, Aztec Athletic Center

Head coach Brady Hoke:

Opening Statement

"A couple of things - we obviously, and this is a little redundant, but we didn't finish the year like we need to finish the year, and that's unacceptable. That's my responsibility first that we are going to finish games, finish plays and that's a big part of what we focused on when you look at what our guys have done from the end of the season last year to this point in time. We feel that we have had a very good summer in the weight room and on the practice fields with everything that we ask our young men to do. They responded well, I thought they had very good leadership. I think our senior class, with being through the program once before, understand what the expectations are and how we want to proceed from here on. I think the other thing, as all you know, is that we lost the greatest Aztec with Coach (Coryell) passing away. I can tell you, our guys really understand to a greater degree what being a San Diego State Aztec means and the legacy, and our responsibility to that legacy. That's something we hold very close, and I promise you we are going to have accountability to what has happened here in the past with the 18 championships and the tradition."

On the progress made by the strength and conditioning program:

"We test about three times a year; the results from the last test are just being tabulated so we'll know a little more when that's done. When you look at when we came in and we needed to lose some weight on the offensive line because of the type of weight it was; it was the kind of weight I have, which is not good weight. They have done a good job of that. I'm using the offensive line as an example, but (we're) building that weight back on that's going to be a productive weight. That kind of weight that, when you look at body composition they're stronger, they're more athletic. Know that because of how we do things that there is a mindset and a mentality that's more positive."

On the players who have shown great improvement:

"Mike Matamua really did a great job, Jacob Tauanuu (as well), just off hand. I'd hate to go through the whole list and miss anybody. Overall, you look at a guy like Andrew Preston; Andrew was a 217- or 218-pound linebacker just a year ago, and one of the moves that coach Long and the defensive staff made was moving him to the Aztec (position.) So he's taken his weight down because of what that position requires at times and he looks great. Vincent Brown is 198 pounds now; he was 180 pounds last year, so his body changed. Ryan Lindley has gained about 15 to 17 pounds of really good mass, so he looks really good."

On the position battles heading into camp:

"I think there are two or three areas. Up front offensively, with the addition of Juan Bolanos and Riley Gauld, we brought the two junior-college guys in because we thought we could better ourselves. At the same time, and this is something I really love about our guys, those other guys who have been playing that position and have been here, they got ticked off. That's the response you want and they have really committed themselves. I look at Kurtis Gunther and at what he has done. This is going to be a great (year) and this is going to be fun to watch as we go through fall camp. Also, back in the secondary we redshirted a number of guys from that class a year ago: Gabe Lemon, Khalid Stevens and Nat Berhe. Those guys are competitive fighters and they like the physicality of playing the safety position. In this day and age in football, you better have safeties who are going to punish running backs when they get through there, and those guys get it. Also, at the running back spot we moved (Brandon) Sullivan to the fullback spot and some 2-back stuff, which I think has been really positive for him. With Davon Brown and Dwayne Garrett, a young man out of Phoenix who's been here, Ron Hillman and Walter Kazee (as well.) We would like to have a featured back if we can, a guy who takes the majority of the reps, but at the same time if no one stands out then we will do what we did a year ago, to some degree. I think we are deeper there (at the running back position) to be able to do it that way.

On the importance of establishing the run:

"It's as important as anything we do. We look at the two games we didn't finish where we had the opportunity to finish a year ago and we couldn't run the clock out. How we look at an offense here, your offense has to control the ball. I know one thing from playing on the defensive side of the football and coaching on the defensive side of the football, when somebody can run the ball at you, it's demoralizing. We couldn't finish games, couldn't get the third-and-one in a couple situations that would have meant we have another possession and we are going to keep the football longer. The other thing an offense has to do though, when you get behind, you better be able to strike fast by throwing the football over the top (of the defense.) If we can do the things that we expect up front with our offensive line, and we get the back that we want, then we are going to be a much more balanced and effective football team."

On having so many players from Oceanside on the roster:

"It's going to be fun. The one thing, and I've said this to them, is that this isn't the Pirates. We are now all Aztecs. But it will be fun to see how those kids react. They come from such a great program and there are many of them in San Diego County. They have been coached tough and understand thats part of it. They've done a great job when they have come down for summer workouts when they could get involved. Those guys have been driving every day for a 5:45 a.m. lift and spending most of the day here doing the different things that our kids do together when it comes to workouts: the 7-on-7's (and) the o-line and d-line schools. They are committed."

On attending Don Coryell's funeral:

"I can tell you, that was such a positive experience for those players and for this team. Not just the great speakers and the guys who talked about coach, the legacy, and all that, but when they walked in that meant something to them. This may sound arrogant, and that's okay, because I don't care to be honest with you, but we have to feel good about who we are, because it's too hard to play this game and prepare to play this game if you don't feel good about who you are."

On the importance of having the staff around for a second full year:

"The continuity is important. Our guys know how they are going to be coached and what the expectations are from each coach; they know the drills. There is obviously a better feel and fit when you look at the offensive scheme and the defensive scheme. So I think it's great. I'm fortunate; I have an unbelievable group of guys who I get to work with every day."

On if there have been any surprises since he has taken the head coaching job:

"I don't know if there have been any surprises; let me put it that way. After two months of being on the job my wife asked me `what do you think?' and I said that this is very similar to the Ball State situation. The one thing that ticks me off a little bit is that you don't hear people talking about the legacy of the eighteen championships. I don't care what conference it is or where it is; that is something that you need to embrace. In the first meeting I had I asked the players how many championships San Diego State has won and no one knew, and that's a shame because that's something that's important. If you want to be a championship program, which is the goal, you've got to embrace those legacies. We had a golf outing last week and we had 110 players back. Believe me, bad golf but a great time and great camaraderie. That's important. We had five players from a year ago off that team who were at that golf outing. To be there with some of those guys like Todd Santos - I could go on and on about the different guys who have played here - but that's something that's important. That's an accountability that we have to those legacies."