
News Conference Quotes

News Conference QuotesNews Conference Quotes

Sept. 1, 2009

Head Coach Brady Hoke: Video | Quotes in PDF


On the possibility of the game being postponed due to fires:

We won't be distracted. You know, we are going to prepare to play Saturday at 4:45 on the 5th, because that's the only thing we can control is our preparation and how we get ready, knowing your opponent, and then doing a good job of really staying together as a team and working together to get started.

On who will be out of the game physically:
Atiyyah (Henderson) is out and (Romeo) Horn is out, as far as guys who are physically not able to perform. And Jimmy Miller probably is out. He's had a little bit of a stinger problem that's kind of flared up about every third day. So they are trying to take a good look at him.

On what he likes about UCLA:
I think it helps prepare you for the conference. I think playing in the Rose Bowl, it's got to be exciting for your players. It's a great place for a football game as we all know, and who have been there, but it's a great atmosphere.

And I think being as close as the two schools are proximity-wise, I think there will be a lot of San Diego State people who will be there and cheering those kids on.

On how he keeps his players in the game mentally:
Well, hopefully on what you've done since January and what you do in your conditioning and what you do in the weight room, they are challenged with adversity and those kind of things and how you've prepared them. We do a lot of competition work against each other, and how you prepare them with those things.

You know, there's consequences for winning and losing. We want to be a team that doesn't like to lose. Understanding those consequences; and staying together. Whatever happens after game one, win or lose, you know, we've got to lean forward and take another step, because we play again.

Senior linebacker Luke Laolagi, sophomore quarterback Ryan Lindley and junior defensive lineman Ernie Lawson: Video | Quotes in PDF


Lindley on if the fires are affecting him emotionally:
I don't think so. I think especially considering what we went through in '07 where it's a lot different and like Luke said, we had to adjust our practice scenarios, go inside and in the gym. For us right now, we're lucky enough to have good air quality here and we can go out and have full practices and really just execute the game plan to the fullest in practice.

Like I said before, it's really up to what happens come Saturday and how they feel about it. I think we're still going to get ready to go the same as we would.

Lawson on his favorite part of the new defense:
I guess I would say how aggressive we are in attacking the offense. I think it's going to benefit us a lot as a defense and really lets us loose, lets us let our hair down and play. I think that will be a big advantage for us, will really help us out with games this year.

Laologi on how quickly he adapted to the new system:
We've had all spring and all camp to go through this defense. I think we're ready. We're prepared and confident to go in on Saturday.