
Aztec Spring Football Press Conference Quotes

Aztec Spring Football Press Conference QuotesAztec Spring Football Press Conference Quotes

April 6, 2009

Aztec head coach Brady Hoke
Aztec Athletics Center
Spring Football Press Conference

Opening statement:
"The future belongs to those who prepare and we've been preparing for the last nine weeks as a football team and as a program. We just finished the first phase of our calendar year, which is the winter conditioning part of it, and getting together as a team, working as a team and competing as a team. The one thing that's important for us in our program is that we're always going to play for our seniors. At the same time, our seniors have to give the leadership that is needed for this program and to leave a legacy. There have been 18 league championships here at San Diego State in football and I think that's awfully important. There have been 18 senior classes that have held up to the legacy and the tradition of San Diego State football. We're waiting for that next class, that 19th class, to be able to do the same thing. Our winter conditioning is both mentally and physically the preparation that it takes. As we work through spring football, we have high expectations. Our expectations as a team are to compete everyday, to improve every day and to be accountable to each other everyday in what we're doing. We've got to grow together as a team in a lot of areas and we'll do that just from the work that these guys have done to this point in time."

On what he's found out about the team's toughness:
"There's been a majority of the guys who have really done a tremendous job. When you look at what we do in the weight room, how we lift, how (we use) the mental part of competing in the weight room, when you look at the runs and things that we did at 6 a.m., the majority of this football team did a great job of pushing each other and being accountable and competing with each other."

On what he has learned about the team:
"I think a couple of things. Number one, I'm really impressed by the guys who are in the leadership roles, the senior class; how guys have accepted responsibility, how guys have interacted with each other and their coaches. We took the last two weeks of our strength program and every coach was in there and broke it down into two groups so that we could be around these guys and help them, but watch them work and how they interact with each other. I think that's been positive. I think there has been a mindset, in my opinion, a mentality of toughness. Are we as tough as we need to be? That's what you'll find out during spring football. I think when we've had some adversity, the leadership group within the football team has done a good job."

On the one thing he wants to get out of spring football:
"There are a couple of things besides the goals to compete every day and to compete within yourself and within your position and within your side of the football. The more you compete on a daily basis, I think it really prepares you for the fall. I think the improvement by position; a guy like Jerry Milling, what can he do better as a linebacker on a daily basis? Whether it's seeing things faster or maybe blitzing better, whatever it might be. Those are all things to be determined. I think as a whole, I want to see us grow as a team. I think when you have the respect of the guys on your team and you respect the guys on your team, I think that's something that's very important; how you earn respect on a daily basis and how you compete and how you play."

On if he has addressed the schedule for 2009:
"We always look one game at a time. I think that's cliché, but that's what it is. There's no question that September 5 (vs. UCLA) and the Rose Bowl in Pasadena is something that we'll look forward to and point towards as we go through spring football, summer conditioning and fall camp."

SDSU Player Quotes

Senior linebacker Jerry Milling:

On changing the perception of the team being "soft":
"You have to work hard. You develop toughness by working hard. Coach (Hoke) has been having us working as hard as we can take. To improve toughness on the field, you have to practice, you have to play."

On what they make of the coaching staff now that they know them:
"When they came in they said that we were the No. 1 priority and that they cared about us. So far during these first eight to nine weeks it is true. You can tell that they really do care about us. When they tell you something they look you in the eye and you can tell that it's the truth. That is something that we appreciate."

Sophomore quarterback Ryan Lindley

On if coach Hoke is more demanding than previous coaching staffs:
"Every coach is demanding, when you're at this level. (The coaches) are going to demand a lot out of the players. Coach Hoke and his staff demand more from you and are going to push you to your limit - maybe even beyond. One of the things that (strength) coach (Aaron) Wellman tells us in the weight room is, `When you want to stop, take another step.' He is definitely pushing us to the limit."

On Al Borges, the offensive coordinator:
"With the credentials he has coming in, it was exciting off the bat before even getting to know him. Once you get in his office, get talking to him x's and o's, he has a ton of stuff that he knows and is going to make everyone on the offense grow. We are going to spread it out, there are going to be a lot of things we are going to be able to do and we will see come spring ball what everyone is capable of."

On the attention that the MWC is getting:
"Finally just to get noticed it's nice. With Utah, BYU, TCU; there are a ton of teams getting attention. Mountain West, top to bottom, is a great conference in all of the sports. You can even see it right now in baseball that everyone is doing well. It is exciting just to know that not only out of conference but in conference we are playing at a top level, playing against opponents in the top 25. Whatever happens, happens. As far as bowl considerations and winning the MWC championship; that is exciting too. It is something to look forward to."

Senior wide receiver Roberto Wallace

On Coach Aaron Wellman being thought of as one of the best additions to the new staff:
"I must agree with that. When we first came in he was the tough guy that showed no emotion towards us. As we have gotten to know him, we have found out that he is a great addition to this program. He has taken us toward where we want to be and we can see the progress we have made."

On the new offense:
"I have no complaints. It is a more exciting offense. I can tell that we are going to go deep much more than we did last year, which is something that I am looking forward to."

On what the team will consider a success:
"Coming off of last season, we can only go to the top from here. For us, more importantly, our goal is to win the Mountain West. We are not concerned about going to a bowl game or any of that. The goal has always been to win the Mountain West. Right now, that is the mentality that we have. We are working hard and the sky is the limit for us."

On the biggest thing to get done over the next month:
"Keep improving; never settle for what you have. Never be satisfied with where you are at."

On if any player can feel safe that they have a secured starting spot on the team:
"They have been telling us that no one has a spot locked down. Honestly, I think that is the way it should be, (because) that creates more competition that we need to be a better team. Right now I completely agree with the mindset of having each spot open and earning your way there."