
SDSU Football Weekly Press Conference Quotes

SDSU Football Weekly Press Conference QuotesSDSU Football Weekly Press Conference Quotes

Sept. 2, 2008

Chuck Long | SDSU Players

San Diego State Football Press Conference
Sept. 2, 2008

Head Coach Chuck Long

General Comments: "It's a new week, obviously a big week for our team and this program going to a storied place and the tradition of college football. There's a lot of excitement for our guys. It shouldn't take much motivation if you are any kind of competitor or college football player. We have a renewed enthusiasm with our football team. We are coming off a disappointing loss. We want to move on.

"Two things we have to improve on are finishing games and also turnovers. No matter who you play in this game, you just can't give the ball up five times, especially going into a hostile environment like Notre Dame. That's going to be key with the noise level."

On playing at a storied tradition like Notre Dame:
"I grew up in Chicago in Notre Dame country and have never been to South Bend. This is exciting for me as well. I'm probably going to have to give (the team) the old Gene Hackman speech on Hoosiers and get out the tape measure and show them it's just a football field. We're going to try to pump in some crowd noise this week. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you may never have this chance again. I know they'll have fun with it. I know when they get in there, they'll be a little wide-eyed, but they'll settle in."

On the play of redshirt freshman Ryan Lindley against Cal Poly on Saturday:
"We saw a lot positives in the game, starting with Ryan Lindley, who will be a special player here. He showed poise, coming back after a rocky start. Talking to him on the sidelines, there were moments I had to catch myself saying, "Am I actually talking to a freshman here?" the way he was talking to (the coaching staff). He sounded like a fifth-year senior. He got rid of the ball when facing pressure. Some of those pressures were empty sets with five wide receivers and only five blockers, when (Cal Poly) were bringing six guys. Not a lot of freshmen can see the field the way he does. He has that wide vision that is very rare. He was very impressive.

"From the second quarter on, without the drops in the game, he was probably 80 percent (completion percentage) throwing the ball and about 490-500 (yards) throwing. That gives you a bit of an idea. From the second quarter on, he got his poise and was on fire the rest of the day. We're going to build on that and that is exciting for our staff."

On the team's defense against Cal Poly:
"Defensively, we had our rough moments. But we had two things that didn't happen last year. We had six three and outs on defense and they were only 2-of-13 on third downs. Our third down production wasn't that good last year, so we improved in that area."

On improving the running game:
"We really didn't give it a lot of attempts. It's really not fair to say we don't have a running game. We felt going (into last week) that we had to throw the ball to win the game and we did that. We got our team in position with a one-point lead to win it. We do have to run the ball and we want to, but we have to give it more attempts. The times we did run, we had some pretty good production."

Senior linebacker Russell Allen

On going to Notre Dame Stadium:
"This is going to be a neat opportunity for us. We are really excited about going out there and getting to play a football game, but this is a business trip for us and we know that going in."

On how the Notre Dame tradition might affect the team:
"We will find out when we get there, but we have made some big trips before. I've been to Ohio State and Wisconsin and Darren (Mougey) went to Michigan when he was a freshman. For the most part we know what it is going to be like, but like I said, it's a business trip. We are going in there with the attitude of getting a win."

On the defensive line:
"It's been tough. Those guys (defensive line) have had some hard times going through training camp and then obviously a couple more injuries during last week's game, but they are tough. They are going to work hard to get back out on the field and we know they will. We know we can count on them."

On moving on from last week's loss to Cal Poly:
"(Cal Poly) was definitely a tough loss, but it is a long season. We have 11 more games to play and this week we move on to Notre Dame. We can take a lot of things from that game, both positive and negative. We saw a lot of bright spots and things that we are going to do well this year, as well as a lot of things that we need to improve on. That is going to be the key. If we can take those things and learn from them, then it can still be a successful year for us."

Redshirt freshman quarterback Ryan Lindley

On what changed after a slow offensive start vs. Cal Poly:
"I think as an offense we got into a rhythm. Guys started clicking and we started passing the ball around. We were getting good timing with the routes and the offensive line was playing very well. I kind of put a lot of it on my shoulders as far as I have to get things generated. I started a little slow and as soon as I got back into it we got things clicking."

On Notre Dame sophomore quarterback Jimmy Clausen:
"He is obviously a very talented kid and got a lot of experience last year as a true freshman. He's in a big time program and he was rated pretty highly out of high school, but I have a lot of confidence in our defense...I guess they run a little bit of the Power I, but I feel confident that our guys will handle their business out there Saturday."

On his performance vs. Cal Poly:
"Our performance is a team performance. For me, it's the offense and we got a slow start. What we need to do is put four quarters together like we put that second half together. I think if we do that, we can put up a lot of points and play some pretty good football."

On going to Notre Dame Stadium:
"It's definitely exciting, but it is all business. We are going to get out there and maybe we'll be wide-eyed on Friday when we go see the stadium, but once we hit Saturday morning and we are ready for game time, it's all business. We need to go in there and win a ball game. That's what it is all about."

On the running game:
"I have 100 percent confidence in our offensive line's run blocking and in our running backs. I think we have a lot of talent at the running back position. The way Cal Poly's defense is schemed, they stack the box and play against the run. I think we still have the power to mix it up and have a balanced attack this week."

Senior wide receiver Darren Mougey

On going to Notre Dame Stadium:
"When you first get to those big games, you get a little wide-eyed and start thinking, `wow, this is big.' But, as soon as we step in between the lines on the field, it all goes back to just playing football. It doesn't really affect you as much as everyone thinks it does. The crowd noise in certain situations does come into play, but really once you get on the field it's just another game."

On the wide receivers' drops vs. Cal Poly:
"It was frustrating. It is something that we need to improve on and not let happen again. It was the first game and for a lot of those guys, it was really the first time they were getting game experience, but those are things we need to put behind us. I'll put it on my shoulders to make sure the receivers are out there before and after practice getting extra catches and working with Ryan (Lindley)."