Women's Basketball

Aztec Women's Basketball Press Conference Quotes


Dec. 19, 2007


SDSU Women's Basketball
Press Conference Quotes
December 19, 2007
Cox Arena at Aztec Bowl

Head Coach Beth Burns

On Friday's game against No. 2 Connecticut at Cox Arena:
"We are really looking forward to the opportunity to play what I've been calling the 1A team in the country... What UConn has personified in our sport is unparalleled. It's an awesome opportunity for our team, our program, our university and the San Diego community in itself."

On how Friday's game came to be scheduled:
"The UConn staff contacted us a couple of years ago when we first arrived. I believe (Huskies head coach) Geno (Auriemma) has a tradition of giving everyone a hometown game. In this case, it was an opportunity for (UConn forward) Charde (Houston) to come home and play. Ironically as it worked out, we were able to land Paris (Johnson), which added another interesting plot twist to make it really fun in that both players are former San Diego (High) Cavers. I think there's so many different storylines to this game, but it came about with them contacting us for Charde. I've known Charde since she was (young), and I thought it would be a great opportunity for us."

On her familiarity with coach Auriemma:
"I've known him since he was an assistant coach at the University of Virginia. I'm excited for our luncheon (on Thursday) to ask him the question of how he made UConn UConn, because he did. He brought intellect and charisma and a dream to a place that had never had it before, and he created Husky-mania. As with most of my peers, I have great respect (for him). I think he has one of the best offensive minds in the game. If you watch their team, their offensive execution is remarkable. The names and faces change, but the consistency in their performance doesn't."

On whether she is using this game as a measuring stick of where she would like the team to be:
"I wouldn't use those terms. I sat before you 18 months ago at 3-24 with a program that I believe hasn't been above .500 since 1997. You have a blueprint, you stick to your blueprint. I couldn't be more pleased that we're sitting here at 8-1. We've won games by double-digit margins and that's never happened. You've got to measure it by the improvement and progress of your team. We start two freshmen and two sophomores, and they don't always run (the plays that) I draw, but we are better than we were yesterday."

Senior forward Shanna Demus

On if the team is excited or scared to face a team like UConn:
"I'm excited. You don't get opportunities like this a lot and being a senior, I'm excited to go out and play the No. 2 team in the nation. Scared? I don't think any basketball player will tell you that they're scared to play anybody. I'm just excited."

Junior guard Tamika Lipford

On if the team is excited or scared to face a team like UConn:
"Not really scared, but I think a lot of us are anxious to play. We've been working hard since training camp, and we just want the chance to come out here and showcase our talent against one of the greatest teams."