Men's Basketball

San Diego State-Navy Postgame Quotes


Dec. 17, 2007

Recap | Final Stats | Notes


San Diego State-Navy Postgame Quotes in PDF Format

San Diego State Head Coach Steve Fisher
Opening Statement:
"Navy shot the ball exceptionally well. We contested many of their shots, but they made three's and that is to their credit. We knew they were going to shoot close to 30 (three's), but I was hoping they wouldn't make quite as many. I've watched tape and they have stretches where they shot the ball like they did against us. They haven't had as long a stretch as they did tonight."

On coming back from a halftime deficit:
"Our energy, especially in the second half, created opportunities. This was the first game all season that we have been behind at halftime and we were down by eight points in the second half. But we were able to come back. It was 61-61 when we went on a 13-0 run which was spearheaded by Kyle Spain's rebounding and a really good effort from everybody on the floor. "

On the slow start:
"I thought we did some things that were uncharacteristic of our team early in the game. We had a couple of missed breakaway dunks. I thought we left about a dozen points on the table just on missed layups. What we did do was make free throws."

On the victory:
"I am pleased with the victory. I thought at spots we were really good and now we need to grow from them. We need to get better and we will have our hands full on Saturday (against Arizona). We'll have to play great basketball for 40 minutes."

San Diego State forward Lorrenzo Wade
On the team's start to the game:
"Coming out of the first half I thought we played really well. We came out real aggressive but had a few fast break chances that we didn't capitalize on. But all in all I was happy with the way our team came out and produced in the first half."

On the team's lull midway through the first half:
"I don't believe we had a lull, I just believe they were hitting all their shots. It's difficult when we are making layups and shooting two-pointers and they're making three's. They had the advantage at that point."

On not allowing Navy guard Greg Sprink to score the final 10 minutes of the game after having 26 points the first 30 minutes:
"Anytime you have a guy like (Sprink), he is unpredictable. You don't know when he is going to shoot or where he is going to shoot it from. Some of his shots come in the offense and some come out of the offense. He was constantly moving and he is a very tough guy to guard. It's hard to stay with someone who is always moving. He possibly could have run down the last 10 minutes as far as his energy level was concerned. It is very difficult to run around for 40 minutes straight. But he did a great job out there on the court today. I know he gave me a headache."

On Saturday's game against Arizona:
"We'll get in there tomorrow, we have practice bright and early. We'll watch some of their sets, watch their player edits and go from there. Coming off that loss to Saint Mary's, it's a very good feeling to have this win. We'll live this up for a couple of hours then get ready for Arizona."

San Diego State guard Kyle Spain
On SDSU's 13-0 run in the second half:
"Things just started clicking. It was all about the defensive effort. Most of our points came off their turnovers, from our defense. That's what gave us the 13-0 run."

On the defensive effort in the first half:
"They were hitting great shots. I wouldn't say our defense was lacking, they hit a lot of tough shots. They are a great shooting team."

Navy Head Coach Billy Lange
On the game:
"I thought our guys did a great job. We competed, but we're at a point now where we expect to win every game. I told our guys in the locker room, that out of a hypothetical 100 possessions, we played well, not perfect, but well for 94. Six of them we didn't and, for us in a game like this, that makes the difference. I'm just proud of our guys' effort. San Diego State is a good team. I like our attitude, I like where we're headed. I feel very good about our basketball team.

"The way we played, the ball sharing, some of the scrappiness on defensive, when you're a coach, you're in a tough dilemma because you have to play zone against these athletes. We don't rebound well in the zone and that kind of hurt us."

On the team giving up their lead in the second half:
"There may have been a little fatigue, maybe a little bad luck. I'll credit San Diego State for doing some good things. The bottom line is, we (need to) focus on what we have to do. Not to say that San Diego State wouldn't take the lead, but we can maybe keep it close."