
Twenty Questions With Aztec Softball Newcomer Taylor Sutton

Twenty Questions With Aztec Softball Newcomer Taylor SuttonTwenty Questions With Aztec Softball Newcomer Taylor Sutton

Nov. 9, 2007

SAN DIEGO - How have your first couple weeks of practice been?
Taylor Sutton: They've been really good so far. They're a lot different then what I am used to. They've been really productive.

How about your first couple weeks of class? What is your favorite so far?
Things are going well. They are harder than I expected. I have to be more responsible, it's harder not having someone to push you. My favorite class is English so far.

Why did you choose San Diego State? What other colleges were you recruited by?
It's close to home. I was offered opportunities outside of California but I wanted to stay closer to home. Once I came to the campus I loved it. Iowa, Kentucky, and a few others were some schools that were looking at me.

What do you think of your teammates at SDSU so far?
I love them. The freshmen are always together because we all live in the dorms. We have bonded so well. Everyone is so supportive and encouraging.

What about the coaching staff?
I like them a lot. They want the best out of you. They see potential in you and push you to succeed.

What do you think about the getting the chance to play in SDSU Softball Stadium?
I am so excited. I've never really played in a big stadium like that. I'm really excited to work hard and show everyone what I'm capable of.

Have you had a chance to play with any of your Aztec teammates prior to coming to SDSU?
No. I think I remember coming across a few of them but I've never played against any of my teammates.

Do you think it is going to be hard adjusting to college pitching where the mound is three feet further back from home plate?
It's actually easier, you get to see the ball longer. The pitching is going to be a lot different with more movement.

What position do you see the coaching staff playing you at SDSU?
Second base. I played second base before and outfield but I like second base.

Did you play any other sports in high school?
Basketball and field hockey.

What was your greatest softball memory?
Probably winning athlete of the year on two occasions.

How did you spend your summer before coming to San Diego State?
I hung out with my friends and my family.

Which game are you looking forward to most in the upcoming season and why?
I can't wait to see what the Pac-10 is like. It will be cool to see where we are at compared to them.

What is your major at SDSU?
Right now it's nursing but I'm thinking about switching to become a kindergarten or first grade teacher.

How has your sister Alex (who played at California) influenced you?
She supports me and gives me advice. She wants the best for me and wants me to work hard. I've always looked up to her since I was little.

Talk a little about your relationship with your twin-brother Blaine:
I have four siblings. It's a lot different because I'm used to going to school with (Blaine) but now we are separated since he goes to San Jose City College. I'm hoping that he will come here next year. I talk to him every night. We are very close.

What are some of your favorite television shows?
Dancing with the Stars, American Idol and CSI.

What's the last movie you saw in the movie theater?
The Kingdom, it was pretty intense and it a good movie.

Are you excited about traveling this season?
Yeah, I think it will be interesting to see all of the other schools that I was never able to see and play on their fields.