Men's Basketball

SDSU Men's Basketball News Conference Quotes


Nov. 6, 2007

SAN DIEGO - San Diego State Head Coach Steve Fisher
Opening statement:
"I will start by once again talking about Richie Williams and the fact that he will continue to be suspended. I will not elaborate any further on it, other than to say I love Richie and he will accompany the team (to Fresno) this weekend, but will not play in the first game. He will be back and we will decide when he is going to play as we go along.

"Billy White and Kelvin Davis will both dress and play this weekend. We look forward to having the two of them on the court as we get ready to play. We're excited about the position that we are in right now and are anxious to look at what we did and didn't do (against Point Loma) and move forward from there.

"D.J. Gay was proclaimed by me as the player of the game. Eight assists and no turnovers for a first-time start as a freshman was better than pretty good. I really like our team and in particular, I thought our two freshmen (Gay and Tim Shelton) did not play like freshmen, which was the most positive piece to the game last night."

On the challenges presented in playing three games in as many days at the World Vision Classic in Fresno:
"It will test a whole lot of things, such as our stamina, conditioning and mental toughness. Being on the road for the first time this season will be good for us. We know that what we are doing this weekend will be preparation for not only the rest of the non-conference schedule, but also what we will see in conference play on the road."

On how the team played against Point Loma:
"I have said all along that I like our team. We have great kids who have worked extremely hard. At halftime last night, I was thrilled with how we guarded. I thought we did a great job on defense. We forced 15 turnovers and held them to 7-of-21 from the field in the first half. We played as good of defense as we have played in a long time."

On the difference between SDSU's play in the first and second half:
"I don't know whether it was fatigue or (Point Loma) getting energized after they got a couple of steals, but we didn't have that same flavor to how we played in the first half. We dictated the pace of game in the first half, but we were on our heels a lot in the second half. At this point, we are a team that is trying to find our identity. We really do have five guys that have never played a game for San Diego State that will be viable pieces to this year's success."

On his decision to suspend players:
"I think that it is a no-brainer in terms of what you need to do. There will be bumps in the road, no matter who you are or where you are. I know our team and we have great kids. Richie Williams is a wonderful young man, but just like with your own family, sometimes your son or daughter doesn't always do the right thing and there are consequences. We're not a program in disarray. We are a quality program that has represented this university with pride and integrity and I really appreciate that from our kids. I don't like it when this happens, but you work through it, learn from it and march forward."

On playing without junior guard Richie Williams:
"Richie has started 64 games for us and has played 30 some odd minutes a game, and we like him. What (his absence) has done is presented an opportunity for guys like D.J. (Gay), to start and play 30 plus minutes all at the point. If Richie had been playing, it would not have been quite the baptism of fire that (D.J.) got. What is a challenge in one way is an opportunity in another. Some guys got more opportunity than they would have if we had our full complement."

On how the team will handle the loss of last year's top scorers:
"We are not going to have a guy who is going to break scoring records this year, but I do think we can have five guys averaging double-figures. Last night we had four guys in double-figures."

On the promotion of Matt Soria to director of basketball operations:
"We have just been able to make the announcement that Matt Soria is moving into another position as the Director of Operations for us. Matt has been here for seven years and has done a phenomenal job. We are thrilled that he is going to have another area of responsibility and opportunity for us. He is another guy that we don't talk a lot about, but is extremely important to the success of this program."

Junior transfer forward Ryan Amoroso
On playing for a coach that has a strong belief in discipline:
"I think it is always good to be in a program where a coach does what he needs to do. As a student-athlete, you have responsibilities both on and off the court. It is our responsibility to maintain being a student-athlete and represent the university respectfully."

On the suspension of Richie Williams:
"It is just a matter of doing what you need to do and not putting Coach (Fisher) in a situation to really have to take an action like that. It is unfortunate, but as a team we need to move on and get the job done this weekend up in Fresno."

On playing in his first regular season game in over a year:
"It is a really exciting moment for me, personally. It has been awhile and I am still trying to get back into the flow of things and get used to such a fast-paced game again. I think it is something that is going to come with time, hopefully sooner than later, but I will be ready to go on Friday."

Freshman guard D.J. Gay
On whether or not he expected to be the starting point guard in his first game at SDSU:
"Honestly, I didn't know what to expect. All I knew was that I was ready if they gave me the chance and they did, so I just wanted to make the most of the opportunity."

On the difference between the college and high school game:
"The (college) game is a lot faster and more physical. There are a lot of things that I could do back then that I can't do now. For example, there was a time (last night) where my shot got blocked, and that wouldn't have happened (in high school) last year."