
SDSU Football Weekly Press Conference Quotes


Oct. 9, 2007


OCTOBER 9, 2007

Head coach Chuck Long

Opening Statement:
"I thought our guys took a huge step forward this past weekend (against Colorado State). It was a big win on the road against a good opponent. It was a weird game in regards that the conditions in the first half were calm and in the second half it got really windy. I thought it was a great gutsy performance by our group. Colorado State played really well in the third quarter and we stood in there and came back to win at the end of the game.

"I liked the way our defense stepped forward. They really progressed in the last game after having a good week of practice. We had good intensity which resulted in better positioning and tackling. Colorado State was a good opponent even though its record doesn't reflect that. I believe Colorado State is going to win a lot of games from here on out. They were very physical and our guys stood in there.

"I also like that we are still No. 1 in the conference in turnover margin and that we have climbed the national rankings in that category. That is huge in any league or any one game.

"This week is another big road game against Utah. They present a significant challenge. They have their leader in quarterback Brian Johnson back, who is an excellent player. They do a lot of different formations on offense with a lot of motion. Our defense will be challenged. They'll have to step up and execute. Defensively, they come at you with a lot of different blitz packages. This is a really good team even though their record might not show it. They have had various different injuries and have had to use a lot of freshmen. They have been up and down, but have played well lately coming off a big win against Louisville.

"This is a big challenge for us, but we have a bounce in our step and are looking forward to the game. Our guys are eager and ready to go."

On the team's mindset playing against Colorado State on the road:
"We preached before the game about the team needing to stick together. I reminded the team before the game to stay together on the sideline. We knew it would be a hostile environment and the conditions made it more hostile. I just like the way our guys showed resolve and came away victorious. Our team never wavered on their will to win. That was led by our quarterback Kevin O'Connell who had great body language to him and an excellent mindset through out the game. Our team fed off of him and that's what you want out of your starting quarterback."

On what SDSU can take from the last game into Utah:
"We know going into another road game that if you hang in there you can have a chance to win the game. We are going to take some punches this week, but if we can stick together, you never know what will happen. Now we have the belief that we can hang in there during an entire game and come away with the win."

On the play of the running backs against CSU:
"We have confidence in all our backs. Brandon Sullivan just happened to be the guy with the best ball security. He has very good ball security. Brandon Bornes fumbled early in the game, but he has been battling a bad back. He's been fighting through the injury, but it's been difficult for him. He's extremely tough and wants to keep playing. We think he'll get better. (Brandon Bornes) has a punishing style so we know we have to have our other running backs ready to play. Brandon (Sullivan) stepped up and gave us some great yards at the end and good ball security."

On the team's injury update:
"Chaz Schilens, Jerry Milling and Brett Martin are looking to start running this week. We don't know if they are going to play, but they should be running and we'll test them out. Kevin O'Connell has a bruised left shoulder coming out of the game, but he'll be okay to practice this week. We are going into this next game relatively healthy. We've had three starters out but we've also had guys step up which means you're building a good foundation."

On the challenges going up against Utah:
"They can do a lot of different things offensively. They've recently inserted Darrell Mack in at running back and he's been really good for them. Brian Johnson is a real threat running the football. As you saw with Kevin O'Connell last week, that is a nice dimension to have on a team. They're going to spread us out more defensively than Colorado State. I hope that facing some of the teams that we did earlier in the season helps us going into this game. We have faced the spread offense earlier and have some experience with it. Brian gives you more of the quarterback run game and that is always a deadly part of an offense. We have to be sound in our alignments."

Senior quarterback Kevin O'Connell

On how his shoulder feels after Saturday's game:
"(My shoulder) is feeling really good today. Saturday was just one of those games where you have to play through (an injury) and it wasn't too severe where it hindered anything I was doing throwing-wise. Once the doctors were able to take care of it with some medication, it wasn't really a factor. I feel really good and I am just going to try to get through this week of practice and then get after Utah."

On the team's attitude about playing in the high altitude:
"I know we were all feeling (the altitude) a little bit in Colorado, especially after we were running around and the wind started blowing. It's nice to be back at sea level for a couple days of practice, but we feel comfortable going up to Utah. We've worked really hard this summer to be in shape and as a team we are pretty confident wherever we are going to play."

On the confidence boost from the comeback win vs. Colorado State:
"(The win) just solidified the feelings we already had. Coming into this season, we felt that with the work we put in as a team, we earned the right to believe we had the ability to come back in a game if we were ever put in that situation. We hadn't been in that position this season and then on Saturday, we were in a game that was back and forth. Looking into the huddle on that last drive, the guys looked right back at me like it was just another drive, so it made my job a lot easier. I think the work that we put in really gave us the chance to be successful. It feels good to win a game like that on the road, but we have to put it behind us now and get ready for Utah."

On the offensive line:
"What you see as a spectator isn't always the case as far as problems with the offensive line. Out of the seven sacks (allowed against Colorado State), I should have been able to get the ball away on five of them. Sometimes the finger can get pointed at the offensive line and the running backs, but it's the guy holding the ball in the backfield that is getting hit. We will all continue to improve and the Mountain West Conference is going to bring some wild blitzes. We have Utah coming up, who has an outstanding defensive coordinator (Gary Andersen), and the three games after that (New Mexico, BYU and Wyoming) are already giving me headaches, so we definitely have some work ahead of us."

Senior offensive lineman Mike Kravetz

On what he feels are problem areas with the offensive line:
"I wouldn't necessarily say there have been any holes in our offensive line. We do rotate at the guard position and it's not a problem, but the chemistry between the offensive linemen is very important. Sometimes it takes a couple of series to get that chemistry back with guys rotating in and out. But with Fred Amano, Lance Louis, Brandyn Dombrowski and Mike Schmidt, they are all very good athletes and they come in and do their job well, so the chemistry will fall into place."

Redshirt freshman linebacker Andrew Preston

On facing a mobile quarterback in Utah's Brian Johnson:
"It will be a huge challenge for our defense. We have played against mobile quarterbacks in the past and I think we handled it pretty well, but it will definitely be a different situation than last week. We just have to practice hard this week and our scout quarterback is pretty mobile, so I think that will help us out as well."