
SDSU Football Weekly Press Conference Quotes


Sept. 25, 2007

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SEPTEMBER 25, 2007

San Diego State Head coach Chuck Long

Opening Statement:
"We are excited to play the 24th-ranked team in the country in Cincinnati this week. We've played a difficult schedule early on and this will be another big challenge for us. Cincinnati is an up-and-coming program that is starting to put themselves on the map. These games (against ranked opponents) are measuring-stick games to see where you are at as a program. I know our guys will be ready to play.

"Our guys are feeling really good coming off a big victory. Anytime you win like that (52-17 over Portland State), you feel good about your football team. Wins like that can create momentum that can carry over into the next game and the rest of the season. Kevin O'Connell and Brett Swain had nice games. Kevin felt like the commander in chief out there and that's a good feeling for a coach knowing your quarterback is producing."

On Cincinnati's defense:
"They have a veteran group on defense that is made up of juniors and seniors. They have played together for a while and don't really do a lot of different things. They run to the football well and are living off of turnovers. They are No. 1 in the nation (in forcing turnovers). We need to protect the football and create our own turnovers."

On lessons learned from last year's loss to Cal Poly:
"We did learn the lesson from the Cal Poly game that we got too conservative. We aren't the same team this year. Last year, we were still trying to find out who we were. This year we are more established at the quarterback spot. I definitely did learn that we started off well against Cal Poly and got too conservative. We decided not do that against Portland State."

On the team's offensive balance:
"This last game was our best balance of the season. We had been throwing a lot more than we were running. We actually had 39 pass plays called compared to 32 runs. We got to more of the 60/40 split (pass/run) that we are looking for."

On the BIG EAST Conference:
"They've (The BIG EAST) done a great job marketing their conference. They are really competitive with Rutgers and now Cincinnati. I think all of us wondered what would happen to the BIG EAST after they reformed the conferences following the ACC split. They have done a good job of keeping the conference together and performing on field."

On Cincinnati head coach Brian Kelly:
"Coach Kelly is a rising star in the coaching ranks. He did a great job at his last stop (Central Michigan). He has reached a BCS Conference school and he'll go from there. I know he wants to make Cincinnati his own. He has already done a great job of putting them on the map by getting ranked. He's really done a phenomenal job."

On the return of offensive lineman Brandyn Dombrowski:
"We have moved Brandyn over to left guard with Mike Schmidt at this point. We like where we are at with Fred Amano at right guard. I expect Brandyn getting in the lineup at some point. He is a little bit behind at this point right now. We think he'll be right there in a couple weeks and we are going to need him by the end of the year."

On how the defensive backs played against Portland State:
"We adjusted and improved our play in the second half. You take away two passes, one over our head at the goal line and another earlier, and we don't give up 100 yards. Any time you hold an opponent to 17 points or less, you are doing a good job. I told our guys after the game that they played good defense. They still have a long way to go and our guys in the back end are a work in progress. They have played three really good passing offenses right off the bat. It's been trial under fire and hopefully that pays off later."

On the play of junior defensive back Vonnie Holmes:
"He played about 40 snaps last game and made another interception. He's been making a lot of plays. We're excited about how he has progressed. He has to work on some of the little things. He had that one play get over his head on the goal line. He can't pick off a pass and then give up a touchdown. Those are some of the things we are working on with Vonnie."

On the Aztecs' lack of offensive turnovers:
"We've talked about improving the turnover margin from day one. It's been a big emphasis for us. We work at it every day and not just talk about it. It starting to come to the surface now and guys are taking pride in it (not turning the ball over). That pride really makes a big difference to a football team."

San Diego State Senior Quarterback Kevin O'Connell

On the Aztecs' offensive performance against Portland State:
"We have been preparing since fall camp to put some points on the board. I feel we have the personnel and experience to be a really exciting offense, so it's just a matter of executing. It's really easy for the coaches to break down film for us, but it's another thing to go out there and actually put points up on the board. We were excited as a group about our performance last week and we just have to keep going. We're playing one of the best defenses in the country this week, so it's going to be a huge challenge."

On Cincinnati's defense:
"After watching film, I could see the team speed that (Cincinnati) has at all three levels. Their defense reminds me a lot of Arizona State's (defense) in the way that they are fast and really try to fly to the ball. Cincinnati thrives on forcing turnovers. I think they have forced more than five turnovers against a couple of teams and that is a game-changing statistic. As an offense, we are going to try and move the ball like we've done all year. It's really a matter of being consistent and holding on to the football."

On taking care of the ball on offense:
"In most circumstances, we've had outstanding ball security from our running backs and wide receivers. I think as an offense, we're happy with where we are at and it's just a matter of sustaining it throughout the season."

On his mindset heading into the Cincinnati game:
"As the quarterback, I just want to be consistent. I want to be able to deliver every week, no matter who we are playing. I think if we can sustain what we've done so far and allow our offensive line to keep on improving, we will be fine. They (offensive line) have had three solid efforts so far and I couldn't be more proud of those guys. Also, my job is easy because we have playmakers like Darren (Mougey), Brett Swain, Steve Schmidt and hopefully we'll get Chaz (Schilens) back soon. I just have to take what the defense gives me and look for the occasional big play."

San Diego State Junior Linebacker Russell Allen

On the adjustments the Aztec defense made in the second half against Portland State:
"When you play against an offense like Portland State's, you are going to have to make adjustments. We knew coming into the game that they were going to have a great scheme against us and they executed it really well in the first half. Going into halftime, we knew the things that we needed to correct. We made a few changes in our coverage schemes and it ended up paying off for us. Those adjustments helped us get our hands on the ball and allowed us to put more pressure on the quarterback."

On Cincinnati's offense:
"(Cincinnati) will be a tremendous challenge for us because they have a really balanced offense. They have a great offensive line and running game as well as great receivers and quarterbacks. Cincinnati does some things similar to what we've seen from our team in camp, so we feel comfortable. It will definitely be a challenge for us, but we are excited to play them."

On the challenge of Cincinnati's no-huddle offense:
"Obviously, it is an additional challenge for us. It puts a little bit more pressure on our coaches to identify their personnel and get the calls to us quicker, but once the ball is snapped, we're still just playing football. There will be more pressure on us before the ball is snapped, but it's something we'll be able to handle."

San Diego State Senior Wide Receiver Brett Swain

On continuing a tough preseason schedule against No. 24 Cincinnati:
"We look at it as another opportunity to compete with some of the best guys out there. We're not going to let up and we will work hard all week in practice. Portland State was a great win for us and we are going to take that momentum into Saturday's game against Cincinnati."

On his mindset heading into Saturday after a 224-yard performance against Portland State:
"I am focused on working hard every single day and making sure that I execute what the coaches ask of me. I want to do what's best for the team, like running great routes, making the catch when the ball is thrown to me and making great blocks down field. I think that is the type of mindset you have to have as a team player every week."