
Aztecs Speak to Media at Weekly Football Press Conference


Nov. 28, 2006

SAN DIEGO - SDSU Football Press Conference Football Quotes
Aztec Athletic Center
November 28, 2006

Head Coach Chuck Long
General Comments:

"It is senior week and we are excited to play Colorado State. I told our seniors yesterday that I really appreciate their efforts this year. It's been a tough year for them because of our record and it being a transition year. It's hard to learn everything in one year. I really commended them on not only holding their poise, but playing hard throughout the year.

"We're playing a big game against Colorado State. Sonny Lubick is a top coach in our conference. He's won conference championships and he's had a program that we want to copy. I really admire him.

"Obviously, we'd like to play well and win the game going out of the season to use it as a springboard for the offseason, which will be a very big offseason for us. I'd like to play 10 more games right now. I think part of that is Kevin O'Connell starting only his third game of the year (this weekend). We're still at an infancy stage with him learning our system. I know he's had experience playing the game, but here he is starting game three in we are in game 12. I guess being an old quarterback and coaching quarterbacks, I feel like, `Hey, we're just getting him going, lets play some more.' But this is our last game so that's not the case."

On SDSU's last game at New Mexico:
"I like the way the guys finished the game, especially in the second half. Hopefully we can build on that. We finally had an offense that generated (84) plays, it was the first time this year. We've been hitting mid-40's most of the year. We're going to take that performance from the second half, along with a good-spirited practice yesterday and hopefully some good practices the rest of the week, and use that for the football game this weekend."

On why it is important to finish the season on a high note:
"It's very important to go out on a high note because that's the last thing you remember, especially for your young men. Obviously the fans, media and coaching staff will rehash the entire season, but the young men will remember the last thing they did. They'll feel good about themselves if it is a win and it will be something they can take into next year."

On the seniors playing in their last game:
"I feel bad for the seniors. They haven't had a taste of a winning season since they've been here and that's hard. What they can take with them is they're going to have adverse moments in their life and they'll be able to get through it since they have had some adverse moments here. To give the seniors a winning moment to finish their career would mean a lot to me and out coaching staff."

On any troubles with recruiting:
"Actually recruiting has gone very well. Obviously winning helps in recruiting. It's all about building relationships and where they perceive themselves in your program. We have an excellent recruiting staff and you'll see that in time."

On the turnovers this season:
"Turnovers were the big question in our last game, no questions. We went for it on a fourth down and didn't make it deep in their territory, so that is like a turnover. (Turnovers) have been a frustrating thing for us this season. We will learn to take pride in taking care of the football."

On playing hard at the end of the season when there isn't much to look forward to:
"That's always a challenge. I remember being in the NFL and being out of the playoffs with six games to go. That was always a tough challenge for a head coach. I told the seniors awhile go that everyone has aspirations of the next level, but the odds are tough, usually stacked against you. And sometimes it's a three-year career at best. This may be the last football game most of the seniors will play, so make the most of it. Brett Sturm has made the most out of it in his first year starting. Terrell Maze has had a solid year, playing well every week and on special teams. Reggie (Grigsby) has been another one who has been hurt for most of the year. It's been painful for him not to play throughout. Pat Justman is another senior who has been a one-year starter (at center) and he has made the most of it. These are some guys who have cherished these moments so they've been playing hard throughout. The seniors have been good leaders for us and have played well all year."

On Colorado State:
"Colorado State is a physical football team. It's like looking in the mirror; they are struggling like us, especially in the stretch. TCU beat us pretty good and they beat (Colorado State) pretty good. They've had a couple of injuries, too. They have a solid quarterback. On defense they are a big-man free team. They play a lot of man coverage and we'll have to get off the press coverage to be successful against them. We'll have to be physical on the line of scrimmage."

On SDSU's special teams play:
"I want to commend our guys for holding up in special teams. We have new guys in there every week. We don't have a two-deep in special teams anymore. We have to take guys and teach them to play four or five positions as backups. Those are good challenges in coaching and you cherish those challenges."

Senior linebacker Joe Martin
On the last game for the senior class:

"It is going to be sad. It is our last game of college football. A lot of people say it is bittersweet, but for me it is not so sweet. I love college football, I love my experience here and I wish I could play longer but it is over after this."

On ending the season on a positive note:
"Being a senior you want to win your last game. It is hard to remember when you were a freshman or when you were a sophomore, what happened, and things like that. Of course you remember certain things but you will always remember your senior season and, for me, I want to be able to win my last game."

On Colorado State:
"They like to pass and run the ball, they are pretty balanced. They like to shift and move a lot. They have a good team. They have an experienced offensive line. Kyle Bell isn't with them this year because of his injury but they still have two really good running backs that share time. We have our hands full. Preparation is the key this week."

Senior defensive tackle Jonathan Bailes
On the last game for the senior class:

"Even talking to the guys who went on to play professional football they say this time of your life is one of the greatest times you ever have. The bonds and the relationships you build here you can take with you for the rest of your life. It is always sad, but everything comes to an end. We were in high school that had to end. We are in college now and this has to end. I think it is sad, but it is a transitional phase and we have to move on."

On his experience at San Diego State:
"I'm sad, but I wouldn't take it back. I think I've grown as a player and as a person. All of my experiences here have been great. It is bittersweet but I wouldn't take it back. I think that everything happens for a reason. (Winning) wasn't meant to be but it was still a wonderful time here."

On ending the season on a positive note:
"I think it is definitely important for the guys next year. To end the season with a winning taste in your mouth, something they can build on that momentum in the offseason. It would be a great feeling for us to sing the fight song one more time in the locker room for the seniors."

Junior quarterback Kevin O'Connell
On ending the season on a positive note for the seniors:

"I came in the same year as JB (Jonathan Bailes), redshirted, and watched him go out and tear it up. He did some real good things so I've kind of been looking up to him ever since. Joe, he is kind of the consummate team leader and I'm trying to learn some of his leadership abilities and apply them next year. Definitely sending these guys off with a win would be the icing on the cake for their careers. I mean it might not have always finished the way they wanted to but I know they both didn't leave anything behind and they put it all out there."

On Colorado State:
"Their defense is the type of defense that just flies around. They don't do too much to try and confuse you. They come after you. They use a scheme that coach Lubick has been using for a long time and for the most part it works for them. They are always in the upper echelon of defense in the conference. It is going to be a challenge for us. I think, as far as the last game at home, I think we will definitely meet them enthusiasm wise and then we just have to execute and I think we will be alright."