
SDSU Football Weekly Press Conference Quotes


Nov. 14, 2006


SDSU Football
Weekly Press Conference Quotes
Nov. 14, 2006
Aztec Athletics Center

On his team's victory over UNLV last Saturday:
"We are extremely excited about how we played. We were basically penalty-free for a good part of three quarters. In fact, offensively we didn't have any for the game. That was good, that was an improvement. I thought we played physical football. In order for these systems to work, we have to demand that (our players) play physical football and keep them striving for that. You can see what happens when we do that."

On the running game against UNLV:
"I thought our running backs played extremely hard. We were kind of a MASH unit with guys going out of the lineup and getting some minor injuries. I thought our assistant coaches did a great job on the sideline of substituting, knowing who was hurt and who wasn't and the way Brandon Bornes, especially, finished up. Atiyyah was hurt. Atiyyah Henderson was hurt on the second play of the game and he gutted it out. Brandon Bornes finished out the game in a strong way, and we made him offensive MVP as a staff.

On the production at the quarterback position:
"I like the way our quarterbacks are producing. We are second only to BYU in completion percentage at about 63 percent and this is going through three quarterbacks. That's really the bottom line for a quarterback is completing passes, and it just tells me that they have been very diligent about their work habits and studying the game and making the right decisions and reads. Coach Del Miller has done an outstanding job bringing those guys along and I'm just really pleased with that aspect. Sometimes stats are deceiving, but not that one. That's a bottom-line stat to me.

On the play of defensive back Ray Bass:
"Ray Bass is another example of a guy that has worked hard. When he has had the opportunity he has risen to the occasion. He rose to the challenge during the last game and was Mountain West Conference Player of the Week defensively. He's putting himself in position to be one of our leaders for next year with his play."

On special teams play:
"Our field-goal block unit may be our pride and joy of our special teams. It's really been outstanding all year. I think we've had a couple of extra points blocked and a couple of field goals blocked already. I was part of coaching staffs that went years without getting any block on that unit, and we've had a number of them already this year. It intimidates opposing kickers when they see that kind of rush coming at them on film and they are watching that and then they feel it during the game. It is much like the quarterback feeling the pressure in the pocket. (Sergio Aguayo of UNLV) missed four field goals (on Saturday), and it's an intimidating factor when you have such a great rush. That's keeping points off of the board and that's what you want obviously in this game on defense."

On facing TCU:
"We have a big challenge this week in TCU. They're a good football team. They're a talented football team. They have one of the best pass rushers in the league in Tommy Blake, an outstanding player with great athleticism and speed. Their quarterback, Jeff Ballard, is a senior who reminds me a lot of John Stocco of Wisconsin who we played earlier in the year. He's a solid player, a good decision-maker and manages the game well. Coach (Gary) Patterson has built that program up in a good way and they have a good team again this year. Many picked them to win the Mountain West but they had a couple of losses in the conference. That tells you about the parity in this conference. They've still had an outstanding year so far at 7-2. It is a big challenge for us, but we are excited. We want to go on the road and get a significant road victory. That's something we strive for and we are going to work hard this week to get. After coming off of a win, I know our kids are confident and that is much needed before you go into a road game like this at TCU."

On his team's game plan against TCU:
"We are going to go in there and throw it. I think one thing we would like to do is create some big plays offensively, flip the field, get some field position back in our favor and go from there. We have to find ways to run it as well and keep them off balance. Just because teams say they are good against one thing, you still have to try and give it a shot. Right now, I feel pretty good about our running game. We have been really solid in that department. We are going to have to throw it around a little bit, try and keep them off balance with some misdirection and try to negate their speed. Some ways to do that are reverses, screens, and things of that nature."

Quarterback Kevin O'Connell

On last Saturday's victory over UNLV:
"From the start of the game, you could just tell the defense came out and had a lot of enthusiasm. As soon as Ray (Bass) got that turnover and was able to take it back for six points, that kind of set the tone for the rest of the night. I know defensively we had one of our best efforts in a long time. Offensively, we were able to move the ball, get some points and eat up some clock, so (the defense) didn't have to be out there more than they needed to be. It was just a team effort. Coach Long talked about how he thought we played our first full game since he's been here actually, and I think that's what it was. We're just trying to build on that and hopefully do it again this week against a really good TCU team."

On whether TCU has a different type of team this year:
"They're the same type of team. They still thrive off of turnovers. They were No. 1 in the nation last year in turnover differential and unfortunately in our game (against them), we had that turnover late in the red zone. We tried to get it in there to Lance (Louis) for a touchdown, and they made a big-time play. They turned it right around on us and ended up winning the game. Up until that point, we had the lead. We're just hoping to come out and copy that same game plan almost: just run the ball, take our shots when we have them and limit our mistakes. But it's going to be a tough environment; they pack that place pretty good. It's going to take a total team effort, but it's definitely something that we're capable of doing."

On the team's current emotional state:
"Even in your toughest losses, you always feel like you're one or two plays away from being right in the game. It's just a matter of the ball maybe bouncing our way a couple of times. As far as our mental state is concerned, we're always 100 percent confident that we're going to be able to go out and compete and win football games. It hasn't really gone our way some of the times this year, but we've got three games left to try and (build) a springboard into next spring and send our seniors out the right way."

Defensive back Ray Bass

On his interception return for a touchdown against UNLV:
"It was just great pressure from the defensive line, and it really made the quarterback have to hurry (the throw). He kind of just threw (the ball) out there. I had a good jam on my receiver and was right there to make the play. I don't think it could've been done without the pressure from the defensive line. I was just glad I could make that play. That's something our defense has needed for a long time--to make big plays--and we made a lot of those on Saturday."

On the improved play of the defense recently:
"I think it has a lot to do with practicing harder. We've been practicing really hard lately. We've been really focusing on stopping the run and stopping big plays. We weren't very satisfied with the yardage we gave up against Wyoming, so we really wanted to focus on that (for the UNLV game). We're also playing hard the red zone. We're really good in that area, and it's something we take a lot of pride in."

Offensive lineman Patrick Justman

On this week's game against TCU:
"I think it's going to be a really physical game. We've been watching film on them and they have a great defense. They have some great linebackers and two of the best ends in the conference (Tommy Blake and Chase Ortiz) if not the nation. Up front it's going to be a very physical game, so hopefully we can pound the ball. It seems that teams that have been able to that (against them) have been able to win. I think it going to be a good game though. We're going to come out with a good plan."