
SDSU-Wyoming Postgame Quotes


Nov. 19, 2005

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SAN DIEGO - San Diego State Head Coach Tom Craft:

On the game:
"It was a great come-from-behind win for us tonight. Turnovers were the big difference. That's where they got the edge in the first half and where we gained the ball game in the second half, without a doubt. We were able to run the ball well tonight. We finally got into a rhythm and on track with our passing game. It was important for this football team to come back. It will serve us well in the future."

On Kevin O'Connell:
"He just played a gutsy game again today. He came back and made some great throws and we got (Jeff) Webb involved, too. It shows how tough he is. He's a great example. His teammates wanted him to be a captain tonight, because the seniors wanted to be together when they got in, so he was one of the guys they picked. He's a fierce competitor."

On Lynell Hamilton and the offensive line:
"Lynell was really tough tonight. He got the tough yards. The offensive line did a great job. Lynell has had two good games in the past three years against this Wyoming team. The offensive line got off the ball pretty well tonight."

On the defense:
"Defensively, we did a good job of giving up somethings underneath, but containing the big play. It was a solid win, a good come from behind win."

On coming from behind to win:
"We battle and scratch for everything we get. It was a great tribute to our game tonight - how hard we played. I'm really proud of them. The whole coaching staff is proud how they battled back. They're just a young enough and naive enough team that doesn't know any better than to keep battling. They're developing tremendous character. I can't say enough about this come from behind victory. We could have caved in in the third quarter when our defense was on the field a lot, bending but not breaking, they were strong enough to get the turnover, too, which made the difference for us."

San Diego State Player Quotes

Running back Lynell Hamilton

On the seniors:
"Every senior looked like they stepped it up. We put our hearts into it. (The underclassmen) talked about it too. We're not all seniors, but we played like seniors. I went out there and I was going to play like a senior. I really love this team. I really love the seniors."

On the team:
"It's very important to finish at .500. We are going to come back Tuesday and get ready for Hawaii."

Linebacker Freddy Keiaho

On the defensive stand in the end of the second quarter:
"(Brett) Sturm made a great play. It was probably one of the best interceptions I've ever seen. He used to be a baseball player, so that's where he he probably learned how to make that play."

On the defense:
"We just like to play defense. If the offense turns it over, that's just a chance to give us more statistics. We just get it out of our heads. We don't browbeat the offense. We're all a team."

SDSU Quarterback Kevin O'Connell

On coach Craft:
"Coach Craft is the kind of coach that every single guy in the locker room will go to battle for. It's because we have so much respect for the man and everything he does. He's got our back more than anything and no matter what situation, no matter whether it's football or life, he can always give you the right advice. He's got your back like a father-figure, which is why a lot of us came to this school."

On the last game:
"We do have one game left in Hawai'i and we're going to try to finish up 6-6. If you look back at a couple of plays, it might have changed our season and maybe gotten us to a bowl game. We're looking to finish strong and have a good offseason like we did last year. We'll be ready to roll in the fall. "

Wyoming Head Coach Joe Glenn:

On the season and the interceptions in the fourth quarter:
"It just got away from us - it hurts a lot. (The interceptions) can't happen. It's over though - Corey's (Bramlett) glad it's over, too. The season just kind of fell apart on him. But it's over.

"Quite frankly, I'm glad it's (the season) over. I couldn't take anymore of this (the way it went down). But it's done, it's over, let's go on to the next one."

On the future:
"We'll do what everyone does - we'll recruit and we'll get our kids in the weight room, build our team and move on. We won't run the white flag up. We'll go get some players and add to the ones we have. I think we have some good young guys, and we'll find a guy who can quarterback this team and go on."