
Tom Craft's Weekly Press Conference Quotes


Nov. 16, 2004

San Diego State Football
Tom Craft Weekly Press Conference
Aztec Athletics Center
Nov. 16, 2004

Head Coach Tom Craft

General comments:
"(Linebackers) Stephen Larsen and Joe Martin, who is coming back from a concussion, will play in place of (linebacker Matt) McCoy, who will be out with an injury (suffered) against Air Force. (Return specialist Kyle) Conerly went out (vs. Air Force) with a calf contusion, but practiced today. McCoy was the only serious injury we had and we came out better after (this) Air Force game than any year I can remember.

On linebacker Matt McCoy's injury:
"Matt McCoy suffered a very serious injury in the Air Force game. He is out for this game and is having surgery tomorrow. He broke one of the tiny eight bones in his wrist and also tore a ligament in his thumb. He'll have a pin to keep it in place and will have a cast for about six weeks, but should be ready for spring practice. Matt did all the dirty work against Air Force with the center coming out and blocking him. If it wasn't the center, it was the tight end cutting him down. He handled himself in the ballgame very well."

On the Air Force game:
"(Linebackers) Kirk Morrison and Heath Farwell both played outstanding. Heath has had a great year and he is one of the better linebackers in the Mountain West Conference. I'm sure others (would) agree. Our defense played great. It was fitting that they were on the field at the end of the game and Morrison was able to intercept that pass. (Kicker) Garrett Palmer was the MWC Special Teams Player of the Week. The key was when we were driving just before the first half with one timeout and (Palmer) kicked that field goal. It was a good drive and only left two seconds on the clock. That was very significant because it put the game to where Air Force had to score a touchdown at the end and we held them off. Garrett had a great game, going 3-for-3 on field goals. (Running back) Brandon Bornes continues to get better and better. He's had 100 yards in two of the last three games. He is a solid player. I think (quarterback) Kevin O'Connell was pretty dynamic. To go up there in that type of weather and have another solid game is encouraging. He almost had 100 yards rushing again and threw for 230 yards and two touchdowns."

On the play of the tight ends:
"True freshman Eric Miclot got his first touchdown of his career on the first series and Lance Louis was our leading receiver at the tight end spot. Those tight ends are playing better and starting to become more influential each week. Jeremy Justice caught a couple of balls when he got in during the second half and Lance caught another (ball). That really helps out (wide receivers) Jeff Webb and Robert Ortiz."

"The seniors are our focus. Just like anybody, we want our seniors to go out with a win. We feel good about playing at home. This is (UNLV head coach) John Robinson's last game, so they are going to be ready to play. Their defense is a blitzing and attacking team. They force a lot of turnovers and are all over the place. They make good offenses look bad, a lot like New Mexico and Brigham Young. Their offense has been putting up some points. Turnovers have been their achilles heel, but they use their athleticism and are able to score some points. They've beaten BYU, so they can play. We just need to focus on what we are doing and not necessarily on what they are going to do playing their last game for coach Robinson. We are expecting their very best and it will certainly be a challenge."

On UNLV head coach John Robinson's last game:
"He is a outstanding coach and a great person. He has affected a lot of people - student-athletes, coaches and fans - over his career. One of the things I admired about him was that he was the first coach to call me and congratulate me on getting the job here at San Diego State. Getting to know him through the league meetings and talking before and after games, he is a very impressive man and coach. Hopefully we can recognize him before the game for what he is."