
SDSU-Colorado State Postgame Quotes


Oct. 17, 2004

Recap | Final Stats | Notes | Photo Gallery


On The Game
"I'd like to start with something really important about our program and our football team right now. We've really increased the expectations here at San Diego State and that's what we're happy about. We're really raising the bar in every area on and off the football field. Tonight, I'm proud of the way we came back and scraped. But we are really disappointed about tonight.

"I know the fans are disappointed. The coaches and players are disappointed, but we're really going to keep raising the bar. We're not going to blame it on anyone thing tonight. I know there was a controversial call, but we are not going to dwell on that. That was a great football game and a great effort by our defense. It was a great effort coming from behind by the offense - making some plays.

"Kevin O'Connell came in and did a great job. We came back and it's too bad it came down to that controversial call at the end. But we're going to get ready and keep going - our expectations are still high to finish this season out."


Running back Brandon Bornes:

On the fourth-quarter turnover:
"It was a controversial call and (we) just need to move on. The game is over and we just need to focus on the next game. We need to get to work and that starts on Sunday.

On how the team will deal with the loss:
"We are supposed to prepare every week no matter the outcome. We need to move past it and focus on the week ahead. We're not in that big of a hole and have more games ahead, so I'm not too worried."

Quarterback Kevin O'Connell:

On the game:
"We don't like to make excuses around here. We've shuffled around our offense all year; mistakes are going to happen until we find that rhythm. Tonight I missed (receiver) Jeff Webb twice with nothing to show for it, so we can't blame the play-calling."

On tonight's offense:
"As an offense, we moved the ball. Tonight was good because we got a rhythm. Coach had confidence in us and the plan and it seemed like we really got into a groove. I was able to connect with Webb inside the red-zone."

On the fourth-quarter turnover:
"It's tough when you put your heart and soul in every game you play and then something like that happens. It's tough to play, but we have to move on and build on what we're doing. We have five games left and can get above .500."


On the fumble:
"I thought they were going to call it, "The don't call it trick." There was one (fumble earlier) where we thought we had (it), but the official said it was equal possession. Our kids were sure the ball had come out. The rule is that, if it's in doubt, it's a fumble. They made the right call."

On the freshman quarterback Caleb Hanie:
"I think Caleb went in there and did an admirable job. When you have a freshman quarterback, you miss a few. He missed a couple of passes and when he got intercepted at the end of the game, he got another chance at the (Aztec) 10-yard line. He did an admirable job, you have to give him credit.

"I feel good about Caleb. I think he's going to be fine for us and have a little more confidence. He will be good."

On CSU's offense:
"You have to give the offense a lot of credit. I know those 10 yards didn't seem like much, but I know SDSU felt really confident in its defense. It was just a matter of us knocking it in there."

On the game:
"If we had (injured quarterback) Justin Holland in the game we might have been able to put this one away, just from an experience standpoint. The thing that's sweet about it is that we just kept playing and playing all night long. The defense (held and), with the exception of one big play, (SDSU) might not have scored a TD on us all night."