
Air Force at San Diego State Postgame Quotes

Nov. 22, 2003

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San Diego Head Coach Tom Craft's
Postgame Quotes vs. Air Force
November 22, 2003

On tonight's game:
"A great defensive effort. They did a tremendous job. It is the first time since the 2001 opener that Air Force has been held without a touchdown. We were glad that we were able to come back and play the way we did against a team like Air Force. Is this (the 2003) one of the better defenses in school history? Yes, I think it is one of them. There were big defenses in the Coryell era, but no there is one here in the modern day. It was a great achievement, what we did on defense. We had to overcome a lot of adversity on offense. We struggled at times, but we did move the ball well all year. After Hubert Caliste threw that touchdown pass, we really relaxed and went on a roll.

"This is a big deal to win. Not only is it our sixth win to get to .500 but we were very close to being a bowl team this year. It is also big to beat Air Force in back to back years. It was a nice dominating performance by our football team."

On sophomore running back Michael Franklin:
"Michael Franklin stepped up another degree in this game. He impresses us not only with his foot work, as you saw how good his feet were on his touchdown run, but his blocking has improved, and he is more of a complete back. That is going to be good for us in the spring and next year."

On sophomore quarterback Matt Dlugolecki:
"Matt in particular really settled down tonight and had a very, very good game. It really helped him to be able to watch the game from Adam Hall's perspective and then being able to come back in this game as a starter and get the reps like he is going to start. He directed us well tonight."

On defensive back Hubert Caliste:
"Hubert is going to come over to offense. He is a guy who will work really well in the spring. He has a lot of spring and was a big contributor tonight.

On junior safety Marviel Underwood:
"Marviel Underwood is one of the most consistent defensive players in the secondary. People throw away from Jeff Shoate, and Jacob Elimimian also had a great year and is one of the most improved players, but the guy that was always there is Marviel Underwood.

San Diego State Player Post Game Quotes
Vs. Air Force - November 22, 2203

Sophomore linebacker Matt McCoy

On his the SDSU performance:
"We played great. They didn't score a touchdown and that is compliment to our whole defense. All around we just played great today. Our offense is really young right now, but they stepped up big today. I am so excited right now."

On how the win impacts next season:
"I am really proud of the way we came out tonight after last week's loss. We have a lot of people coming back next year and if we can play like this we should be pretty good."

On the defensive performance:
"I have to thank our defensive coaches because they came up with a great game plan. Then we executed and played great and I am excited about it."

Sophomore running back Michael Franklin:

On his touchdown run:
"My number was called in the heat of battle and I responded. I stepped up to the call. The offensive line did a great job. Everybody was on their man and the hole opened up like the Red Sea. There was nothing but green in front of me and I got into the end zone."

On his second straight 100-yard effort:
"I didn't even know I had 100 yards until the guys on the sideline told me. Now I just have to carry it over to next year. We have to get ready to rebuild and get ready for the next season."

On the senior class:
"The seniors went out in style. Those guys were a great group of guys. They have taught me a lot, especially the offensive line. Tonight, we just followed those guys and responded really well and sent them out in style."

Sophomore quarterback Matt Dlugolecki:

On his performance:
"I think I did pretty well, but I still have a lot of things to work on. I am going to get better at it next year and I feel like I am a step away from being a great quarterback."

On the prospect of being the starter next year:
"Nothing is set in stone. I just have to work hard. I can't think about that right now."

Air Force Head Coach Fisher DeBerry
Postgame Quotes vs. SDSU
November 22, 2003

On SDSU's performance:
"You have to give San Diego State credit. They came in wounded, but of course we were wounded too, but they made the plays. Give Coach Tom Craft and his staff credit for getting them ready to play. They took advantage of their opportunities."

On his team's performance:
"Our kids fought hard. They have a lot of pride. We made some mistakes that we have to correct, but we will be better next year. We expect a lot more from Falcon football than four losses in the conference."