Cross Country

Aztec Cross Country Finishes Sixth At The Pre-MWC Meet

Oct. 4, 2003

Complete Results

SAN DIEGO - Competing without its top runners, the San Diego State women's cross country squad finished sixth (160 pts.) at the pre-Mountain West Conference championship meet Saturday at Morley Field in Balboa Park. The top-ranked Brigham Young women (19 pts.) and the New Mexico men (25 pts.) both easily claimed the team titles.

The Aztecs were led by senior Angie Fitzpatrick (San Diego, Calif.), who came in 29th overall with a 6K time of 25:15. She was followed by junior transfer Marilyn Smith (Fresno, Calif.) and freshman Ali Baker (Pine Valley, Calif.), who placed 33rd (25:34) and 35th (25:42), respectively.

"I was happy with the way that the `B' team stepped up, took charge of the race and ran very well together as a pack," SDSU coach Jennifer Nanista said. "I think it is a fast course and this meet will help us (logistically) work out the bugs for the championships."

BYU's Rena Williams (22.27) won the women's race, while Wyoming's Brian Knight claimed the men's 8K title by crossing the finish line in 26:09.

The pre-MWC meet allows competitors to get used to the course which they will also run on Nov. 1, when the Aztecs play host to the MWC championship meet for the first time in the conference's five-year history.

SDSU will be back in action next Sat., Oct. 11, traveling across town for the UCSD Triton Classic in La Jolla, Calif.