SDSU-BYU Football Postgame Quotes

Oct. 4, 2003

Final Stats?|? Notes

San Diego Head Coach Tom Craft's
Postgame Quotes vs. BYU
Oct. 4, 2003

On the game:
"I think it was a pretty unusual game. We're obviously disappointed. There were some extremes that existed tonight, starting with special teams. (Our special teams) weren't up to the standard that they have been and our coverage wasn't up to standard either. It just wasn't smooth tonight. We really have to go back and clean that up."

"BYU did a nice job of returning the ball. We had a lot of opportunities tonight and didn't take advantage of them. We have to hang onto the ball. BYU is not a team to let those opportunities get away from them. It was a pretty well fought game."

On Adam Hall:
"Adam did a good job coming back. He hadn't been playing for a month and this was his first week of practice. We worked him into the game and he was able to put the ball on the money and make some plays. He's a tough guy and he really took a pounding tonight."

BYU Head Coach Gary Crowton
Postgame Quotes vs. SDSU
October 4, 2003

On the game:
"That's the thing about this game - you never know. Two good defenses going in and both offenses have struggled at times and then all of a sudden, you have a high scoring game. That's why you have to come to play."

On his team's mistakes:
"We still can get better. We still made a lot of mistakes, but it's nice to make a few mistakes and still win. I think those turnovers kept us from scoring a little bit more."

On their defensive game plan:
"We wanted to stop the run and make them throw (the ball). And then of course, their quarterback (Adam Hall) throws to that No. 19 (Jeff Webb). That 19 is a heck of a player. I think that 19 is the best receiver that we've faced so far, because he has speed and is big."

On Adam Hall:
"He's just a confident passer. He's very accurate and has weapons to throw to. They're a tough team, because they've got that (running) back now (Lynell Hamilton). They're going to be a tough team down the stretch."

San Diego State Player Post Game Quotes
Vs. BYU - October 4, 2003

Sophomore split end Jeff Webb:

On his performance:
"Everyday, I work hard in practice and I try and come out and do my best for the team. I'm very happy that Coach Craft has confidence in me.

"I just came out and played football, but it doesn't mean anything to me now, because we lost the game."

On the loss:
"Because its the first league game, it is very disappointing. We are still looking to go to a bowl game this year and so it's very disappointing. BYU played their heart out, so I give them a lot of credit."

On next week's game with Utah:
"I'm ready for Utah now. I'm going to practice hard this week and leave this (game) behind me."

Linebacker Heath Farwell:

On the defense's performance:
"We did some things well, but we also did some bad things. We made a couple of mistakes that killed us. Overall, I wasn't happy with the way that we played. You can't afford to have any mistakes against a good team like that."

"BYU is a good team, but we made a lot of mistakes that we haven't made in the past couple of games. We have to look at ourselves and get better this week and minimize our mistakes."

On getting ready for next week:
"We have to bounce back and see how we deal with adversity. This is a tough loss, so we will see if we can come back and practice hard all week and play like we can."

Senior quarterback Adam Hall:

On tonight's game:
"I thought we played a hard game tonight. They just made a couple more plays than we did."

On his return from injury:
"It felt great being out there with my buddies. It was fun to play."

On next week's game:
"We don't want to fall behind in the conference. We have to get a win to get our (conference) record back to even."

On Jeff Webb:
"He's a great receiver. From the get go we said that our receivers this year shouldn't have a drop off as a long as they make the plays that they're capable of."